Hi guys. I want to add a modifier right after an object was created. Getting this done via callback seems impossible since Max crashes every time i try to add a modifier.
Any ideas why?
Example works until you comment in the "addModifier" line.
Off the top of my head, you'll probably need to stick this in before the addModifier call:
max modify mode
Max is really retarded about stuff like that, where you need to explicitly switch to the appropriate mode, otherwise you get a crash and an entirely-unhelpful error message.
Works for me if I add Box() to the end of the script. It doesn't work with creating primitives in the viewport.
You can try using NodeEventCallback and use the delay parameter. The only problem is that if another node is added before the unwrap is created it won't add the unwrap to the previous node.
if callbackItem != undefined do (callbackItem = undefined)
gc light:true
fn addMatToObject ev AnimHandle =
obj = GetAnimByHandle AnimHandle[1]
print obj
if superclassof obj == geometryclass do
myUVW = Unwrap_UVW()
if validModifier obj myUVW do
addModifier obj myUVW
callbackItem = NodeEventCallback added:addMatToObject delay:3000
Another terrible idea is to use your original callback to start a dotNET timer control, with a function that keeps pinging isCreatingObject(). Once it's false it adds the modifier and removes the timer.
Thanks Monster!! I did it like you said via a dotnet timer and it works great! The only thing i miss, is a function to show all active dotnet eventhandler currently running. Because i'm not 100% sure if the timer is deleted completely. Anyway, it works! Here is the code. If you are interested why i do this: i use a script which adds the current selected material to new created objects. Really useful if you create new geometry often which needs the same material. Problem: if it's a multi mat and you want a specified mat id assigned you're f**ked because at this time the box/sphere/... isn't a poly object so you can't use editable poly functions and adding a MATERIAL modifier wasn't possible. UNTIL NOW
Here is my code for adding the uvw mod:
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]--remove all old versions of the event handler[/COLOR]
callbacks.removeScripts id:#addMatToObject;
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]--make the object variable accessible also for the dot net timer function. the created object will be stored here[/COLOR]
newNode = "";
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]--this function is called until the object creating process is done[/COLOR]
fn watchCreationProcess sender e = (
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]--when the creation process of the new object is done, this loop will be executed[/COLOR]
if (not isCreatingObject()) do (
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]--add a modifier which wasn't possible during the creation process: max crash[/COLOR]
addModifier newNode (Unwrap_UVW ());
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]--Stop Timer and remove callbacks[/COLOR]
dotnet.removeAllEventHandlers theTimer;
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]--this function is called as soon as you create a new object in 3ds max[/COLOR]
fn addMatToObject = (
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]--receive the new created object[/COLOR]
newNode = callbacks.notificationParam();
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]--create, setup and start the timer which will start the "watchCreationProcess" function[/COLOR]
theTimer = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Timer";
dotnet.addEventHandler theTimer "tick" watchCreationProcess
theTimer.interval = 100; --ms
[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]--create the callback which makes it possible the react to creating an object[/COLOR]
callbacks.addScript #sceneNodeAdded "addMatToObject()" id:#addMatToObject;
Holy Crap Awesome! I just saved it to my MaxScript reference folder.
removeAllEventHandlers should remove all functions from the timer. Even if Dispose isn't killing the timer it would get removed on the next garbage collection if it has no functions. (Unless you set the life time parameter, which you didn't.)
oh btw i checked your website and you did a lot cool scripts but maybe some gifs or videos for explanation would be good e.g. "key tools" sounds awesome since the built in stuff isnt that good. but i have no idwa what they're doing
Max is really retarded about stuff like that, where you need to explicitly switch to the appropriate mode, otherwise you get a crash and an entirely-unhelpful error message.
You can try using NodeEventCallback and use the delay parameter. The only problem is that if another node is added before the unwrap is created it won't add the unwrap to the previous node.
Here is my code for adding the uvw mod:
removeAllEventHandlers should remove all functions from the timer. Even if Dispose isn't killing the timer it would get removed on the next garbage collection if it has no functions. (Unless you set the life time parameter, which you didn't.)
oh btw i checked your website and you did a lot cool scripts but maybe some gifs or videos for explanation would be good e.g. "key tools" sounds awesome since the built in stuff isnt that good. but i have no idwa what they're doing
I'm working on a KeyTools 2.0 as well as a system called coolRIG. http://www.coolrig.com/
I'm trying to get them out before the end of the year.