I'm starting the Noob Learning Challenge late so I don't have a moodboard. I'm heading straight into thumbnailing /brainstorming. Here's what I have so far. I try and get a more out tomorrow afternoon so I can start fleshing everything out.
For now we have the Knight, Female Mage, and Assassin.

Yes she's a WIP, but suggestions are always welcome.
example from my rogue thread:
Now that I'm looking at the rough sculpt something is off but I can't put my finger on it.
I'm hoping another set of eyes might help, so feel free to school me.
Paint overs are welcomed and encouraged
Looking at more and fixing a bunch of things.
Once I'm happy with the shape I'll update
1. don't change your concept half way through by just saying "i'm going in x direction now". either stick to your original concept (the best choice) or draw your new idea out the way you did the old one.
2. don't use so many subdivisions... when you're learning, be as low detailed as possible and just use the move tool, so you can get all the shapes right first, and THEN start sculpting in details.
That was going through my head last night as I was working on this. Good advice. After my earlier posting I went back to more realistic poprtions. She's looking better now.
There's not alot I can do about the subdivisions. I'm sculpting in sculptris and it tesselates dynamically as I sculpt.
I'm now blocking out a quick base in Wings and importing it into Sculptris.
I think I'm now looking at refs more than sculpting.
Hopefully it will pay off when I'm done with her.
More ref !! Underwear advertisement, makeup magazines, build up your collections :P
This is frustrating because I used to have a nice ref collection years ago before I stopped doing 3d. They got destroyed by a hard drive failure. Time to rebuild that.
I got to work on her a bit tonight and fixed a few things, but I'm too tired to do more and am heading to bed early.
Thanks for the advice and pics everyone.
I think I've got the basic body shape here. I need to make eyes, tweek the head shape, make feet, finish hands, and fix breasts.
Oh yeah, then make hair clothing, and weapon... sigh :P
One method I have seen is to use mask and mesh extraction to start the clothing base. There are a few youtube videos on the subject.
Here's a simple one.
Oh, and Dave, guess what, I found a another nice Ref as well. Don't thanks me, I saved it to my collection as well xD
Oh, I think her head/cranium is too big ? And might wanna move her knees lower a bit.
I truly wish I hadn't stopped doing art for so long. It's a struggle getting back up to speed.
Here was the last decent thing made baxk then. All created in Max, no sculpting. I never finished her though. That was 2004 or 2005.
I'm hoping to bring my skill level up to where I want it to be finally. With the help of people like you and the other Polycounters I'm sure I'll get there.