Hi guys,
having a slight problem in maya - booleaning windows into a brick wall. I've tried with my current building in which I learnt it won't boolean into the wall as theyre not a solid object but planes. However now i've switched to a brick wall example; it seems to make every window inbetween slightly smaller and not as "inward" or built in as the previous.
Example is below;
any help would be greatly appreciated.
The windows are literally duplicated; all at the same angle, and all the same size.
At any rate though, boolean's are going to be disastrous 99% of the time. If you already have the window modeled, why not just extrude the wall around it, and make it a modular piece. this way you will have a perfect duplicate every time that will always have clean geometry
but then wont my wall by stupidly high poly due to the additional extrudes?
i've attached an example here, each piece comes in at only 142 tri's and thats with no cleanup of any kind, so its well within acceptable standards