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Critiques and comments are welcomed and appreciated!
Two concepts to throw out there. Lumber Jack O Lantern and Teen "Mom"ster. Aren't puns fun? Anyway, lame names aside, I'm not completely sure which one I'll run with, however I'm leaning toward the latter. Some really rough, really quick sketches:
That's pretty disturbing.
I kind of really want to see it.
Yeah, I can totally see how it could become offensive, but the rough sketch of it seemed pretty unique. And if you color it and render it out to feel all nurturing and sweet then you could probably really minimize any offense someone might take with it.
Both of the concepts seem pretty neat though. This is outside what I'm used to doing too. :P
Sounds like a really cool design, Jayson.
Looks like you're thinking of elongating her arms and legs with small vines or fusing them along her limbs, correct? Then there's shouldn't be any issues. Unless you create several arms and legs out of vines, the Auto-Rigger should be able to handle it.
(Even if you guys run into trouble to Auto-rig your characters, Mixamo's support team is only an email away!)
Decided to commit to the "Teen Momster" concept. A little more design into the face structure and some 3D work. Just a roughed out base mesh for now. Still alot to do, but we're off and running:
What will most likely happen is that it'll be skinned to the body... Which turns out well usually.
Unless it's a very long and massive quantity of hair. In which case it might present an issue though. Either way, if it does, let us know and we'll make sure to help you out.
If it is going to be inside it could be cool if you try to get a kind of sub-surface scattering effect with the glow of the eyes. So it looks like it is glowing beneath a covering of thin, translucent skin. Might not work at all, but just throwing a crazy idea out there for you!
Keep it up!
Happy Halloween
As all major sculpting is done, I figured I'd do up the low poly. It came in at 14 433 tris. Aside from posing and lighting, I can spend some time giving a little TLC to each part. If I finish the belly, I'll post a Low poly bake later:
Finished the vines, just the transition and then time to hit the leg:
Been baking:
Last update: Lots of tweaking to do overall, but at least its all small. Tried showing two sides: nuturing and angry mama bear.
Heading over to try animation process.