This is a practice sculpt of Denzel Washington that I am working on and I would really appreciate some feedback. I am trying to focus on capturing his likeness as well as improve my understanding of the anatomy of the human face. If you notice anything wrong with the anatomy or the likeness is not quite right. Please point it out.

Here is my reference sheet:

This is the sculpt in ZBrush:

Here is the sculpt with some color:

keep it up!
Other than that its pretty good. Keep note of basic human head proportions like eye size etc.
king kong ain't got shhhh on meeee
Main forms reference;
First, you need to soften basically everything. Denzel actually has a bit of babyface going on, even though he does have some noticeable wrinkles. Tone down the definition of basically everything and try to make the forms more round and less sharp and blobby.
The other posters are right about the barrel distortion, especially in that top left reference. Beware of distortion from the camera and make sure to compare to as many other refs as possible.
I'd suggest you try to ignore features like the eyebrows and the stubble; they are making areas of his face looked shadowed when in reality they're actually darker. This is leading you to sculpt forms that aren't there.
More specifically, you need to adjust the shape and proportions of a couple of specific areas:
- The eyes are way too wide and the irises are too large and centered. The upper eyelid should be covering more and the lower eyelid less.
- You've sculpted his nose the way you THINK it looks instead of the way it ACTUALLY looks. He has a very distinctive nose shape, but you've given him a generically African-looking nose that's wide and round. You need to soften it and widen the tip considerably. You also need to flatten and round the bridge so it has a much more gradual transition to his cheeks.
- You've given him sharp, slightly lumpy eyebrows. These should be smoothed down and blended with the upper eyelid in a convex curve. His eyebrows are very thin, so it's easy to confuse them with shadowed areas.
- The nasolabial fold needs to be softened and blended more with the surrounding flesh. It's in approximately the right place, but you've carved in too much and it needs to be shallower.
- Along with the nasolabial fold, you need to make the plane of his upper lip/muzzle area match more closely the front plane of the cheeks. This and the nasolabial fixes should help sell his face shape better.
- The cheeks need to blend more smoothly with the lower eyelid, especially where it's closest to the outside cheekbone area.
I did a paintover that I hope you find useful:
@frell- yep I will try and pay closer attention to overall proportions and take another go at his lip and size down those eyes.
@Formori- I think you are right about the nose being a bit too defined and his cranium probably should be a little larger. It is funny how easily you can start creating a face with ears and forget to leave enough room for the brain to fit in the skull. I guess as humans we sometimes focus too much on the features of the face that the overall volume of the back of the head gets left out.
@carlobarley- You caught me I was predominately using the front view as a reference. I will have to avoid this in the future and thank you for pointing out the barrel distortion that you get from photographic references. Just being aware of this distortion will help me avoid it in the future.
@ebagg- That sounds like a great suggestion. I have let my 2D skills get a bit rusty so this would be a great exercise both to improve this sculpt as well as get some 2D practice in.
@Swizzle- Thanks for taking the time to create a paint over and really pin point those fine details that I have not quite nailed down. It is really helpful. I will revisit the whole model and see what I can do to improve all the areas you listed as well as the areas everyone else pointed out.
Thanks again everyone,
Below is my little cheat sheet of things to fix that all of you suggested. I have been referring to as I work on this sculpt and it has been a huge help. I wouldnt say I have any of these areas completely resolved yet but I think the sculpt is improving.
Recently I have been working on a completely different sculpt. The progress of that sculpt can be seen here: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=109198