Hi Polycount!
Back again with another project. I'm in my final year of uni now and this is my first honours project
I'm following this concept by Jackson Sze:

I think I definitely need to add to the wooden floor texture, as it's just not looking right at the minute! I was going to add a ceiling fan too. Please critique!
I did a paintover(first time doing that yay!..sorry if its crappy)
Just made it a bit more darker since one lamp in a room won't be that bright.
Hope this helps!
One thing that I noticed right away is that your textures need to be a bit more normalized to all look like they fit in the same environment. In the concept all the pieces flow together because they have the same overtone in their color, but in the render things stick out a bit. Blending is a huge part of environment making, and a large part of that comes with texture work.
I agree with above poster, that the door just kind of looks slapped on.
The lighting could probably use a bit more color to it as well, IMO.
Keep it up!
I see some big problems with scale. Your bed looks too short and the rungs are looking extra thick. Your door feels giant compared to the bed and the dresser. I'd probably scale the bed and the dresser up more than I would scale the door down. Agree with sun_smasher....the light is too white.
It's looking like a good start! I like the concept; it's quite evocative of a certain mood, I feel.
A couple of critiques:
It's hard to pin down, but I'm kinda feeling a lack of unity and cohesion in the look of your assets and textures. Too much photosource can cause this I think, but a fiddle with saturation/value and contrast levels within each texture should balance it out - take the rug and the poster for example; they don't seem to belong in the same scene as the grimy walls and dark floorboards. (EDIT: sunsmasher beat me to it
Some of your assets seem pretty solid and chunky - which is a valid aesthetic choice, but I feel it's kind of at odds with the concept. Also you may want to to take a look at the plausibility of some of these assets - the shelves for example; you could always break from the concept and find some alternative reference for individual assets.
Is the texture on the ceiling the same as that on the walls? There are some drips visible going horizontally across that look out of place! Don't take my word that this would be the optimal way, but you could vertex blend to a dirtier texture in the corners/crevices of the room.
One last nit-picky thing; the transition between green/white on the wall is a very straight line - just a little variation could give it a more natural feel I think!
Hope that helps!
Apart from the very good critiques already said, I would add :
- Lighting lacks color as said previously, but I also think that shadows are too strong. The ref has almost no black area, everything is smooth. It's more about saturation and perspective drawing the eyes to the focus. Yours feels more "brute force" using extreme white and extreme black. I amplify a lot of course and it may also be that you don't want to follow this part of the concept. But I think it would look better with lesser shadows.
- In the same idea, I think some hand painting touches in your textures could fit nicely, reducing the "photo source" effect some parts have and giving a more coherent feel overall.
- When I look at your piece, I can imagine you placing all the meshes. Good and firm position at a precise angle for main assets, than you go bananas with the books and newspapers to give life. I would use less newspapers and books, they are only props, not main points in the composition. You could also try to give some slight angle to some pieces, like they were moved during daily uses. The poster is really vertical, try giving it a slight angle. The pink rug is pretty much like a perfect plane at a perfect 90 degrees angle. Try slightly breaking this perfect feeling.
Keep it up.
@sun_smasher I've added more colour to the light, but I'm going to improve this more! I'll go back to my textures once I've finished and try and improve them, thankyou
@Quickel Thanks I love your work
@benji Thanks for reminding me about vertex blending I might use this
@Madwish Thank you
I think the problem with the lighting is that you don't have the fixtures to support your lighting. You do have the desk lamp, but the room would be really dark if that was the only source of light. It looks like in the concept there is the inkling of a ceiling lamp which might help give you another source to have light emit from.
Got some screen grabs from sniper elite v2, as its in the same wartime setting as yours.
You should try placing some dust particles so it makes the scene more interesting.
I also agree with the lensflare, it's a little bit too much for this type of scene, make sure the the lighting matches the lightsource, if the room gets too dark you'd also probably have a window or two inside the room to get fill light from at least.
The books are stacked way too unrealistically on the shelf. That's some severe brain damage waiting to happen. No one would ever stack books like that on the far top shelf. Look at how they are stacked in the concept image, that is way more realistic.
The wood flooring has too much of a gap between the boards. You'd trip over the floorboards anytime you want to walk across the room. Look at wood flooring, even old flooring and the boards are very close together. It's almost a pencil line gap, nothing more.
@Jet_Pilot Thanks man I'll try and fix these when I come back to this.
@Quickel I will try work on the lighting
@benj666 I think I'll remake the door with your references
@gilesruscoe That is so good to hear
@ivanzu Dust particles is a good idea I'll look into it
@chrisradsby I'll kill the lensflare (with fire, if needs be). I think I'll remodel the bed into something with more complicated shapes! Thanks Chris
@AlexCatMasterSupreme Will do
@VelvetElvis Thanks for the crits I have wrote them down and will improve them soon.
Just want to put my next scene out there for the art by paper cut competition. When I finish that I'll come back to this to fix all of these things!