Hey everyone, I am finally joining these beautiful forums.
I want to share with you some female anatomy I have been working on as part of a personal project of mine. The base mesh was modeled in 3ds max with the aim of animatable topology, and now I am fixing/detailing it in ZBrush to produce displacement map.

I would love to hear some feedback

I think a better idea would be to follow some good anatomy pictures more precisely. If you can, download some good free 3d models to see how other people have done it(there is only so much you can get from anatomy pictures).
Good luck!
Personally I suggest to study each part separately first. Concetrate on the head, sculpt a lot of them, draw, try to understand the shapes, and then do another part. It's easier to focus on a single part than an entire body.
Which refs are you using ? Could you post them please ?
Thanks for your feedback Texelion. There is certainly a problem with proportion of the cranium which I noticed too, but I cannot quite agree that the face is ugly. Maybe slightly on the generic side but I feel it is the better part of this model at the moment. It is going to see some development neverthless.
Most of the drawing studies I am doing are quick 15 min sketches of gesture drawings of the body, which is probably why I am not that confident in details. I am also using Bammes' anatomy book to study (I know I should do it more).
The refs I drew myself - front and side sketches of a slim woman. I scanned them and imported them in 3dsmax mostly to get the proportions for the base mesh right. I did not follow a particular photograph for this model, it just came along, and it is probably a good idea I find some decent photo reference...
Time for a little bump. I've put some more work in this lady's body, used a reference for the face I found on my computer, and in general feel like there is a lot of improvement since last time. C&C welcome, of course!
Lookin good tho.
The face looks more natural than before, but it is still not giving a particularly beautiful/feminine vibe. That's a hard thing to accomplish. Keep working from ref, and also take a look at some other artist's work that you think is successful and investigate what makes it good, and try to put that into your model.
Right now a lot of the anatomy is off, it looks like you're just winging it in some places, and so some areas really lack any indication of muscles or accurate human anatomy. I'm not going to point out every little thing, just use more ref and really analyze your own work. She also looks a bit unbalanced in the side-view, you might try introducing a bit more of a natural S-curve to the spine, and position her a bit more naturally.
Also, you really need to work on the breasts. They seemed strange before, but now it looks like she has a botched boob-job. It shouldn't be hard to find good reference for this.