I've been working on a character model and would some critique on the model. I'm basically looking to see if anyone can spot deficiencies/things in the render.
Here is the main still image. The model is a possible character for an upcoming mobile app:

Software used included 3DS Max, ZBrush, Mudbox and Photoshop for final composites. Final triangle count is 4497. Any critiques would be appreciated, especially things that I can improve. Thanks in advance!
The textures look very solid and the face is awesome!
Great look overall!
Then again, I don't realllly know what I'm talking about ;p
Thanks for all the critiques!
@ meletis, you're right it doesn't really look like she's holding the gun properly. Will fix that right away.
@pancakes. The character is for a horror/survival game which is why she's covered in so much blood. Hopefully she'll look good in action
@almighty_gir. You're right, her skin colors do look pretty contrasted. I actually bumped up the specular for this render because I wanted the character to stand out from the background. But I totally agree with you, her skin specularity should be toned down to separate it from the clothing.
Thanks again guys for all the crits!
Hmmm, that's odd. Maybe this link will work:
Oh, and I will definitely will fix the contrasts you mentioned (I think partly due to composites used in render which I will modify).
Great portfolio BTW, love the treasure hunter character!