I'm currently redesigning and modelling the KING character from Tekken. Pretty excited as I loved the BRAWL contest (yes I know it's finished!) - I foresee this being a challenging project!
The character should be realistic in appearance (not stylized) and the end result should be suitable for game cinematic.
Let me know if you have any crit or pointers. All comments welcome.
Inital concept sketches.

The initial sketches look great! I'm not a character artist but I thought I'd throw in my thoughts anyway XD
In my opinion, the features you've adjusted from the original have made the character look less agressive, and more docile.
Whilst this is fine, the clothing and build of the character suggests otherwise, so we have a bit of a potential miss-match here, which may confuse the player.
I like how you're trying to make the character look more human, whilst retaining the feel of the cheetah. One possible way to do this whilst keeping the same level of agression the original character put out would be to focus on the elements that make the face look human which would be around the eyes, muscluar composition and skull features whilst I think the ears, Jaw, and Teeth from the Cheetah could be kept. They seem to be the most dominant feature of the character.
I rekon it would be a good idea to get some sort of iconic/dominant feature in that would show agression and will automatically draw the players eyes to that part of the character, with the eyes showing the intent. Whether this is the original mouth/jaw, or something else. At the moment I think it's lacking that dominant feature.
If you then tried to make the other elements as human as possible, it would balance out, maybe add some hair perhaps?
If you want to keep the features as they are, I'd reccomend squaring off the jaw alot more and enphasising the brow.
Looking awesome, keep it up! :thumbup:
This is just a WIP sketch from some of the upper body and head feedback. Legs will be revised soon too!
I tried to make the mouth less kitten-like and more aggressive with a stronger jaw-line. Let me know what you think? Also any opinions on human teeth vs. cat teeth?
New sketch! Sorry about my non-existent art-style but if your eyes can ignore the chicken-scratch then feedback would be much appreciated
I think once it hits the modelling stage the shoulders and neck will become broader and the arms a bit more muscular.. He's not quite beefy enough here.
Awesome! Looking much more agressive, I really do think the ears needs to be moved up though, that will balance out the cat/human ratio lol.
All I've done is select the ears and move them up, shorten the jaw (duno about that though) and added whiskers XD
If it helps, it helps, if not no worries! it's just my little take on it!
Again - keep it up, looking really good!
The only crit' I'd make is that he's still fairly human-looking.
Have you thought about adding any non-organic cat features, such as cheetah body/face paint? Or cheetah print gloves?