any articles on "finalizing" a level? meaning finishing touches such as improving lighting quality and other details that might improve the visual look? not talking about optmization.
BSPs are good standins, especially holding your scene together, if you want you could leave them there until the 99% mark, but in the end they have to go.
Dont worry however there are tutorials etc that can help you and with a good mesh with a good vert count you can even add some vertex painting to your floors and walls...
Dont forget to lightmap it either (search 3dmotive for help they have a good free vid)
What do you want to know?
So if you're creating a castle you could create meshes for:
- a pillar
- a wall
- an archway
- a torch holder
- a staircase
- etc
And then place many copies of those assets in UDK to create your environment.
Just load up any of the example maps in UDK to see this in action.
Dont worry however there are tutorials etc that can help you and with a good mesh with a good vert count you can even add some vertex painting to your floors and walls...
Dont forget to lightmap it either (search 3dmotive for help they have a good free vid)