NOTE: This is not an official Polycount Contest, nor are we specifically moderating for this contest.
It is a 3rd party contest being run by another group that has asked participants to post on a 3D art forum.
The C&C Forum will be used as a housing location for this contests duration we ask that all further posts regarding this contest be kept in this forum specifically.

last contest was all about Fantasy and we received some amazing entries (which you can view
here and
here). The winners were announced last month and all three of them were Polycount users! If you haven't followed their WIP posts here on the forums, make sure to check them out.
This month, the contest is all about Zombies: Create yours and maybe even
animate it using Mixamo's free
Auto-Rigger and Zombie animation for a chance to win the following prizes:
1st Place: $1000 cash prize, 1500 Mixamo credits, 1-year
3dmotive subscription!
2nd Place: $500 cash prize, 1000 Mixamo credits, 6-month
3dmotive subscription!
3rd Place: $250 cash prize, 500 Mixamo credits, 3-month
3dmotive subscription!
Frankenstein Prize: $250 cash prize!
How it works:
- Create a Zombie Character
- Don't exceed a maximum of 15,000 triangles
- Create a Work in Progress post on a 3D community forum (preferably right here on Polycount!)
Once you are done with your work, simply go to the
Contest Page and submit:
- A
beauty shot rendering of your Zombie (maximum resolution of 2048x2048).
Maps to showcase your work -- diffuse, alpha, normal, specular, specular color, glow are accepted -- in a maximum resolution of 2048x2048.
- The URL to your
WIP post
Optional: If you want to qualify for the
Frankenstein prize, you can apply a
Mixamo Zombie animation to your character and submit either an .fbx file or a YouTube video URL showing your animated character.
(Make sure to use the Promo Code "ZOMBIES" to get a one-time free Autorig of your character!)
Everyone at Mixamo is eager to check out the cool art you guys will submit!
If you have any concern/question, feel free to reach out to us at
In the meantime, be creative, have fun, and watch out for strange sounds in the darkness...!
The Legend of Dullahan Grove
The small town of Dullahan Grove is known for its amazing pumpkin harvests; town lore says the pumpkins grow on the grounds of an old cemetery. When you look out across the patches you can even see the tombstones among the fields. The farmers say they're decorations, but others claim the tombstones are real.
The woodlands around Dullahan Grove are active with the logging industry and people vacation there for the the great boating on Hullwind lake, but recently something strange has begun to happen. A few of the logging crews have gone missing, as if vanishing from the woodlands and taking none of their equipment. Boats have started washing ashore empty, the passengers missing. And the pumpkins, well the pumpkins have been disappearing from the fields without a trace.
As the moon fills and Halloween approaches, a deep dark mist bleeds from the surrounding woodlands and with it come the lost townspeople, twisted and grotesque; reeking of decay. The pumpkins, they too return, aglow with life and fused to bodies of the dead.
Would pumpkins be required on the character?
@Selaznog: Not required no. That was just an idea we put out there but you don't have to use pumpkins.
The bounty for the Zombie Character Contest is increasing!!
The good folks at 3d Motive joined in on the fun and are adding to the contest's prizes: Contest winners will get access to training by professionals in the game industry!
First Place: 1 year subscription
Second Place: 6 month subscription
Third Place: 3 month subscription
Big thanks to 3d Motive!!
Additionally, the Mixamo team also decided to raise the bar and we are increasing the Mixamo credits that winners will get:
First Place: 1500 Credits (instead of 50) + the $1000 cash prize.
Second Place: 1000 Credits (instead of 30) + the $500 cash prize.
Third Place: 500 Credits (instead of 15) + $250 cash prize.
Of course, the Frankenstein Prize is still offering an additional 250 cash prize to the best animated Zombie.
To view the full list of prizes and the details of the contest, click here!
Bring on the zombies!
Note: Are you sure that you are running out of time? You have over a month left (until the last day of November).
And would a base for the character count towards the final poly count?
- you can have a 2048x2048 map set, it means a 2048 diffuse, a 2048 normal, a 2048 specular, etc... but you can separate them in 4x1024 for example.
- the base doesn't matter.
Keep creating!
We've simplified the process for contestants to rig and animate their characters for free and qualify for the Frankenstein Prize (additional $250 cash prize):
Go to Mixamo, upload your character (You might need to create an account if you don't already have one). Your character will be Autorigged in a few seconds. Once it's done, browse through our Zombie motions and pick the one that you want. Mixamo will apply it to your character and make it available to you for download.
In order to get this service for free: make sure to use the Promo Code "ZOMBIES" when you create your account, or add the promo code to your existing account if you're already signed up.
That's it!
When you submit your character, you can either send us the .FBX file that you downloaded from Mixamo, or a link to a video that you made showing your animated zombie.
Looking forward to seeing your creations in motion!
Good luck!
Sorry, it's not: still have until November 30th, 23:59:59 pm PST.
Sorry the contest is now closed and we are not accepting submissions.
Big thanks to all participants and... stay tuned: we'll announce the winners soon!
Is it okay if i had submitted the final render in the Contest page, or do i have to email it to mixamo's e-mail? I hope that my entry is valid although i just posted it in my thread.
I'm sorry but there was no submission in our inbox from you. I can see you posted a thread on Polycount but all entries must be sent to us for review (we can't manually search the Internet for WIP posts on 3D forums, participants must send their work to us).
However, the call has not been made yet regarding purchase offers: The team has yet to review submissions and select those that we'd like to extend an offer to purchase to. Since your final render was posted on time on Polycount, I'll make sure that your character is considered during the selection.
Note to everyone: this is an exception that will not be granted again on our next contest. Make sure to read the rules carefully!
Oh no! I missed the submit part but The Team replied "Thanks for the entry" and did not say anything about how I submitted it.
i guess, the winners already where informed by mail?
i dont think i had a chance... ... i just want to know when i can stop hoping :P
And a hearty "thank you" to everyone who entered!