I have been trying to hunt for a script or way to connect an edge between 2 verticies when there's an edge inbetween them, using the "Connect" function in the vertex tab. No luck so far, so I was hopeing maybe I could get some help here.
Here is a picture of what I am trying to explain.
2011+ = Distance Connect form them Ribbon Tool.
@perna I honestly don't know. I guess not if someone actually had to script it for me and not just point me to one, and especially now that I found out there's actually a tool in 3ds max that does it for me. I have used the connect function quite a bit lately but I am pretty new to modelling so it might be my way of thinking that's flawed. Useing the connect between vertecies creates a nice straight line unlike the cut tool that makes the line a bit skewed and I have to tweak it. The mesh looks cleaner when when I got straight lines on the hard surface things I have been making thus far. (and for the last objects I have been making I have been needing to have straight lines certain places.)
This answer got a bit longer than I planned to. I guess I am just trying to explain my way of thinking and get told if it's just me being anal or if it's worth keeping the mesh clean like that? :-)