Hi guys, so im in the early stages of creating an animation short. Would love some feedback from you all, this maybe a little different to stuff on here... if this forum isn't suitable then I would appreciate some advice on where to post it!

So this is the main concept, its about a cave man painted on a rock face and his story. Below is concept art, to give you an idea of the finished look (of course it has come a long way since then):

And a reference image; the animation is based vaguely on this image, using it purely for aesthetic purposes. I am making something with a similar look in terms of paint on a rock face, but all characters and elements will be designed in my style. The image below is purely visual to grasp the general idea.

I am planning on using a different rock face, which I'm in the process of choosing (images I've taken). The camera will move along the rock face following the character, which is all accounted for in the render process (NUKE) In terms of the characters mask.
Here are the characters in their 3D form:

And then masked ready for NUKE along with my NUKE node network:


I'm still in the process of getting the finished look however this is something I managed to get with it (video form):
(note for this element in the animation, I have altered the chalk background,and looks a lot better).
Here is the opening shot, would love feedback on the animation.
Here is the NUKE test with added effects from Photoshop (fairly obvious on the added elements), early W.I.P though:

Either way my main focus at the moment is the animation. The final effect i can play with afterwards. Look forward to your comments.