Hi all!
So i've been repeatedly banging my head against a wall for the past two days trying to get my custom foliage model to light properly with the instanced foliage paint tools. Basically all I wanted to do is use a non-directional lighting mode and disable shadows on the foliage so that it will better blend in with the landscape materials at a later date (I dont want the grass to fade out to reveal big black baked in shadows!) The problem is, when using MLM_NonDirectional in the material settings it goes completely wonky when lighting is baked. At first I thought it was an issue with my mesh, but everything seems to be in order, and it bakes perfectly fine as a normal static mesh:
This led me to believe there might be an incompatibility with using MLM_NonDirectional and the foliage instancing together, so I tried switching to MLM_Phong instead, and edited the mesh so that all of the normals point straight up (reproducing the same lighting effect) However the results were the same: worked perfectly as a normal static mesh, failed in instanced foliage mode.
So far i've tried the following to try and fix it:
- changed the lightmaps value in the mesh to 0 to try and force vertex lighting - but it ends up completely black using both NonDirectional and Phong
- checked the lightmap uvs were ok - they were fine
- tried automatically generating lightmap uvs in the static mesh viewer - no change
EDIT: just tried it with just a normal cube - the issue is still there! Out of curiosity I then tried turning cast shadows back on in the static mesh properties and the lighting seemed to correct itself, so as far as i can tell it seems to be an issue with having shadow casting disabled. As a result this has left me completely stuck as I really need to be able to disable shadows on my foliage sprites!
If anyone has run into this before I'd greatly appreciate any help you can offer!
Edit: I forgot to mention, when you change that value to something higer the baking times will go waay up. I went from 15 minutes to 2 hours almost :poly142:
Not really a fix so much as a workaround, that I ended up using, was to use cascaded shadow maps. Here's a thread on the epic forums that describes the same problem (I think). http://forums.epicgames.com/threads/922697-Foliage-Lighting-errors-July2012
Here are the cascaded shadow map settings I used. It's in the November 2011 built btw, I think it's a bit different looking in July 2012.