Is it possible to Import 4-5 Static Meshes that i have in the Maya Viewport to the UDK?
When i Combine them ALL to one big mesh, the Lightmap sux, because theres overlapping...
When i export every Mesh individually, the Lightmaps are nice, but the Pivots in UDK are bad and to arrange the meshes in UDK sucks
For Example, i have a house, a roof, the windows and the door.
Theyre all individually Meshes.
But i want them in UDK to be there, where they are in Maya.
Is that possible without to combine them all to one big mesh?
Arranging in UDK is bad, because the Pivots are where they want to be, just not there where they are in maya...
Greetz from germany
-give yourself a headache while trying to mess with a .t3d file, which is something you can use to arrange a scene in maya and port it to UDK (I don't recommend this route it's pretty awkward).
-Export all the meshes with the SAME pivot: 0,0,0, with transforms frozen. When you place one mesh in the world, copy and paste it using Contrl+C, Control+V. Hit F4 to bring up the properties, and point that copy of the mesh to your second mesh: you'll have an instantly aligned second mesh! Repeat for the third mesh, fourth, etc. This way is very hacky, and not a very reusable method, but is simple and works.
-Set your grid up in Maya to match UDKs, with grid lines every 32 units or so, and instead of arbitrarily placing the pivot, actually SNAP it to the grid in all three axes somewhere close to where you would put it if you were only making that piece of the object, by itself. Then, move the object to 0,0,0 and FREEZETRANSFORMS and export. When you import and place the object in UDK, make sure gridsnapping is turned on, and you can instantly align the objects while also making sure that the object is usable by itself. This is not such a big deal for roof/house combos, but for things like window/doors/props/etc you want to make them reusable without relying on odd pivots and such. This is the probably the best way to handle the situation, as it encourages the most reuse.
To Drag and Drop several Meshes at one time is not possible.
I must Drag and Drop every Mesh individually into the map.
Btw, once you align them for the first time, you can make them into a Prefab, and then they can be placed all at once every time you need them together in a future level.
Just making some stuff like Epic Citadel.
Whats a Procbuilding?
That Works!
Just Draged and Droped the Meshes on the Map and SET XY and Z to 0.
The Meshes are now where they are in Maya
Thank You
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