Hey guys. I've had this cool concept I found long time ago been meaning to make environment from don't recall the artist since its been a while. Not sure if ever was for anything in production. I've really always wanted to do a sci-fi environment one of my favs and really need to start getting some complete work together and stay focused.
Software I'll be using is:
-Modo 601/Maya
-NDO 2 - First time really going to use the software for any work read great stuff about and checked out all the work done with it. Messed around with the trial long ago didnt really catch on.
So what I have is the concept, UDK blockin and mesh/texture breakdown. Spent alot of time working in this stage first time creating a environment from a concept. Seemed to have alot problems getting scale, proportion correct turned out at one point everything was too big in relation to the player, was using the base 96 uu player scale. I ended having to work with a player scale of 112uu instead of editing everything else. I think at this point the scale seems to be correct some areas are a little wider compared to the concept.
I dont plan on sticking to the concept 100% and some of the design is a little loose I suppose undefined. Mainly modeling for the view of the concept and will show individual models that arent close to the camera.
I do have some questions starting out as follows:
-Is there any things you'll see in the blockin that should be changed as far as scale goes?
-In the mesh breakdown the parts I have labeled 1/5 and 2/4 at first they was separate I wanted to use the same mesh but due to scale and alignment of the space they have a difference of 64uu each. So I suppose I can use the same texture for both sized meshes and stretch the uvs of the smaller over. Is this something you'll would do in this situation?
So thats all I have to say for now. Thanks for looking and any feedback.