Hello everyone.
After my thread, about whether or not to switch to 3ds max, totally exploded, (
http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=105475, if intersted)I decided to just jump into Max and give it a try.I do have to say that I really like some of the modeling tools 3ds max has. So this was kinda a test project to just get familiar with the tools that 3ds max provides.
I am still pretty new to CG and texturing so this might be really terrible :P
-Rage Quits-
hahahaha, LOL I don't know what to say... :P
If not great job and RAGE QUIT
LOL, i am seriously pretty new to texturing... This is probably the second or third thing I have ever textured really. I pretty much just looked at a bunch of other guns artist made, aswell as a bunch of reference. I made my first next gen gun(that I textured) like in July or something(and this is my second), so i am actually pretty new to all of this :P
The look I'd be going for on the front would be similar to this, right below the words "weapon system".
I gave it a shot and this is what I came up with.
Make sure that the contrast on your diffuse is not too high. The fingerprints and other details are at a very low opacity.
Wow man thank you so much for ur imput. I am [FONT="]defiantly [/FONT] gonna try that out
Again, thanks