Hi polycounters
a while ago i completed Millenia[ame="
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Tgy0lBdJK0&feature=plcp"] excellent tutorial[/ame] modelling a m37 shotgun.
taking what I learned I had a go at modelling this thompson.

all together the Tri count is 6179.
Diff, spec, normal & gloss maps for the Thompson itself are 2048*2048
Diff, spec, normal & gloss maps for the drum magazine are 2048*1024
(please say if you think thats excessive. if it was a stick magazine, I would have put the magazine and thompson on the same maps)
here are some viewport grabs

Pasting the links gives this:
Your client does not have permission to get URL /lIqcDFc_nPUPZmyMP0MIXDXwU-j3HUeD24DqGQNV93OCIACzSr5pXpVxy6G3gQiPTVWFsygJUK8 from this server.
any feedback, specially on the texturing, would be appreciated
seems Google docs is a bit crap when shearing images. kept changing the URL's. reposted a dozen times before I noticed the problem
Thanks for all the texturing feedback guys. I'll have ago at making those adjustments and post the results.
next project i'll post a wip thread to get some modelling feedback.
Take this image:
And look around the trigger area, it's all kinda blending into one object, it just looks flat.
Metal has lots of minor darkness variations in it, normally they are pretty subtle in the diff but come out a lot more in the spec. At the moment it semi looks like you are using a flat grey colour for it and nothing else.
This video is well worth at watch: http://cg.tutsplus.com/tutorials/photoshop/how-to-hand-paint-convincing-metal-textures/
People have already pointed out the problems with the wood
It's looking good though, looking foward to seeing the finished thing
Drum magazine needs more sides because the silhouette is very choppy. You can drop the center loop, though. Get rid of the 6 sets of 3 bumps (which should actually be just two) as well, just texture those.
The receiver has a lot of useless loops. Terminate them. You're not making graph/table paper. You're making a lowpoly. You don't need to keep it all rectangles.
Optimize all the rivets a lot. A simple truncated cone should suffice. Extrude the barrel inside more - give some actual depth.
Thanks for the points on the modelling Snader
I know what you mean, but I get a lot of odd looking specular highlights if I don't maintain quads. or is that just a problem in the max viewport?
you'll never get close enough to see it in game.
In this picture, there is the little hole for the bolt where the loops for it extend around the whole gun. Those can be welded in a few places to reduce the poly count.
Sort of at the point where I dont think i could make it better. I Know its not perfect, but it's prob as close as i'm going to get it. Been a learning experience which is the important thing.
final tri count came in at 5210.
thanks for everyone for the crits!