the local rotation are all aligned correctly.......can anyone confirm if the is caused by my completely moronic way of building that leg bones "straight line from the hip to the floor"
It believe it's pretty much what Alismuffin and fade1 said.
A polevector, together with having the knee joint slightly outwards, in the opposite way of where it should bend will help the IK solver understand how to "bend" the joints.
Another tip:
For legs and arms, go to the IK handle options and under "current solver" choose "ikRPsolver" instead of the standard "ikSCsolver".
"ikRPsolver" stands for inverse kinematic rotate plane solver. The difference between the standard one (inverse kinematic single chain solver), is that a rotate plane IK handle uses the rotate plane solver to figure out the rotations of all the bones in its chain, and, more or less, ignores the overall orientation of said joints in the chain. Instead, the IK rotate plane handle takes it's rotate information from the polevector (and twist disc), unlike the sc solver that would base it's calculations entirely on the orientation.
For adding a polevector, i found this in a quick google search:
It believe it's pretty much what Alismuffin and fade1 said.
A polevector, together with having the knee joint slightly outwards, in the opposite way of where it should bend will help the IK solver understand how to "bend" the joints.
Another tip:
For legs and arms, go to the IK handle options and under "current solver" choose "ikRPsolver" instead of the standard "ikSCsolver".
"ikRPsolver" stands for inverse kinematic rotate plane solver. The difference between the standard one (inverse kinematic single chain solver), is that a rotate plane IK handle uses the rotate plane solver to figure out the rotations of all the bones in its chain, and, more or less, ignores the overall orientation of said joints in the chain. Instead, the IK rotate plane handle takes it's rotate information from the polevector (and twist disc), unlike the sc solver that would base it's calculations entirely on the orientation.
For adding a polevector, i found this in a quick google search:
[ame=""]Smart Pole Vector Constraint Set-Up - YouTube[/ame]
good luck and keep at it!