I am subscribed to a few "street fashion" blogs were photographers snap pics of fashionable people on the street. I have been wanting to make one of these "regular people" for a while now. I recently saw this duder

and I don't know. He sorta spoke to me. I felt like making something inspired by him. I am not sure if I am going to match it exactly but it's what I am going off of.
Here is a little work. Getting some of the clothes in there and pushing some stuff around. More updates soon!

Here is a small update on the shoes. Lordy making shoelaces takes a long time.
It's looking good so far. I'm no anatomy expert, but aren't the hands a tad too big? Not that much, but they seem a bit off.
i think the feet and hands a little bit to big right now and the pants doesnt feel as skinny as on your ref.
Good choice, by the way.. i mean your duder))
This is also a thing I wanted to ask.
I've worked on an anatomy study in zbrush for a while; wanted to make some quick low poly clothes to throw ontop and sculpt - thought it would be beneficial practice.
Only thing is I've not really done many characters; your character at the moment, I believe has a 3 layers; anatomy, tshirt/top and then a final coat/blazer.
Is this all low poly clothes placed ontop before sculpting and finally retoploging will utilise this as the non required polygons underneath will go; or is it literally
Your character is formed via clothes that function as its anatomy; so in theory although you've made a top underneath the coat - you've only modelled what can be seen for the low poly version...?
Probably sounds like a very silly question, but hopefully itll clear a few things up for me
Keen to see where you go from here.
THOSE SHOES LOOK ACE by the way :thumbup:
Dude duncan seeing the way you push the proportions on Chole totally makes me want to do that to him. It looks so awesome. I am not sure yet tho. It's tempting.
It took me a while to make decent low(er) poly clothes. I build almost all of my clothes by retopoing on top of my naked base. Then I use the Shell modifier to add outward thickness. I use WrapIt in 3dsMax which has some awesome features. But you can do it in any program really.
I remember there being three big epiphanies that helped me a ton. This is mostly 3dsMax centric.
- Constrain to edge in vert mode. This is really useful for straitening horisontal edgeloops without loosing the form. With this toggled you can scale the verts along one axis and they will straiten out while keeping the shape you have. I use this all along the body, arms and legs. Gets a little wacky with WrapIt tho.
- Relax. Not your posture. Vertices. I use the relax feature in WrapIt but the native 3dsmax feature works pretty well too. It just looses the shape some. This will smooth our your topo and try to make everything square. This can also be used with constrain to edge.
- Let the computer do the work for you. This is probably the biggest "theory" and one I still try and work on. Creating every single poly when retopoing takes FOREVER. Build your clothes with the minimal amount of geo necessary and then use Connect/Flow Connect to create even spacing. Also, use primitives! Create a cylinder with even spacing for the arms/legs and shrink wrap it to the high res. It's so much faster than building it poly by poly.
I am not exactly sure what you are asking but maybe this image will help. Usually having each piece be separate is best for the high poly. Like I mentioned above I create the clothes from retopoing a copy of the naked high res. Sometimes I will use some of the geo from the base mesh but this is not always possible. I usually leave the naked body intact (not pictured) for a while until I am very sure I wont need the parts hidden by clothes. Then I chop the parts off so I can have higher resolution per part. Its also easier to bake and reopo later.
Later when I am done sculpting I will retopo again to make the game mesh. In the game mesh the multiple layers of clothes will not exists. It will just be one solid mesh. I may or may not use the low poly parts I made for the high res for the retopo. It depends how much I mutilated it.
Let me know if I missed the mark on your questions. I will try to elaborate if something is unclear.
A real update soon!
I am not sure if I am going to use fabric texture or not. I usually think it looks too noisy but it may help sell the tweed jacket... any opinions?
He's looking cool. I feel like his hands and feet are too big and his jacket is a bit too tight around the waist.
Lots of little details added. Scaled down the hands and feet some. Worked on the face, hair and hands alot. I think I am juuuusst about done with sculpting unless someone points out some stuff.
-Pull his shoulders up and out
-Lengthen the bottom of the jacket
-Shrink his hands and feet to about 90% of their current size
-Shrink his head to about 80-90% its current size
-Lower his crotch slightly
I'd also suggest making his legs just a teeny tiny bit skinnier. Don't overdo it! They just need to be very slightly thinner.
It'll really help if you overlay the photo on top of a screenshot of your model and make adjustments accordingly. There's certainly some perspective that needs to be taken into account, but it's still very helpful.
I tried implementing the feedback you mentioned and I think it helped alot. Do you think I went too far or not enough in any areas?
Also worked on the hands and some other details. Probably hard to notice.
the sunglasses should create some more distortion in the cloth they appear flat now to me.
The shoe are in deed pretty cool . but i think he's wearing Converse All stars. So the round label should be placed 1 both sides 2 only on the outside or 3 none.
And last but i think i am talking to soon, are the jewelry . i mean i think that really sells it of as a real geezer.
for the rest super duper as usual keep them coming
greets Bertmac
Bertmac: Aw man good feedback. I pulled the pocket out some and tried to make some distortion. Not sure if its coming across in the bake tho... Great catch on the logo too. I went ahead and added the logo to the other side as well. It's kinda hard to see but I added the finger ring, earring, and watch as well. Thanks again for your thoughts!
Here is a shot of some initial bakes in Toolbag. I made some fabric texture on the high rez on a layer. I am not 100% sure if I will keep it in the normal or not. I might just use it in the AO.
I am sort of nervous to start the diffuse...
Don't be nervous about the diffuse. That is where the magic happens.
P.S I would probably Set the bottom edges of the jacket and the loops around the soles of the shoes to hard and bake them again. That should get rid of the rainbowed normals.
I am looking forward to seeing the next steps. Great work.
I suggest to make him 10 or 15% slimer in arms and chest. and longer legs smaller head
^^ What they say^^
O and about the diffuse and such, try to start with a colored AO map.
hope that helps
duncan: Man you gotta know I am learning alot from your thread. I appreciate your crits. Good catch on the nMap wavies.
osk: Thanks man. Taking a step back I agree. I might go back and tweak the face in Zbrush too.
Bertmac: Thanks for checking him out again. It's that tweed pattern I am afraid of!
Neox: Thanks! Yea this is just the default fov for Toolbag. Good tip. I swear I did Swizzles feedback! I probably just didn't push it far enough.
Render>Camera> Field of View
Second slider down.
Mah beautiful mouse red circle:
learned something new today
Started a base texture as well. I dont know about that jacket. I don't think I am going to do the flannel type pattern. It looks really boring without it tho.
o and stop answering you own questions
" I don't think I am going to do the flannel type pattern. It looks really boring without it tho. "
i think i saw a nice tut a bout this. i will look it up for ya
Ok guys. I worked on the texture some. I think it's a little better. Here is a pose I have been working on too. I am not sure if it's going to be final or not. What do you guys think? Is it hipster enough? I wanted something subtle but hopefully not boring.
I am not sure if I am done with the texture. It can probably be pushed further but I don't really know what else to do. I want a cleaner look so I don't want to add a bunch of grunge. I did add some paisley pattern around the jacket pocket tho.
using the color of the surrounding material.
+ i Know he's from London, the place where it always rains. but 4 real they have more color then that in their skin:poly121:
you could use the colored Ao perfectly on his skin to give it some variation
PS is that the jacked the result of the link i gave ya. wow looks ace dude. Nice
I have been thinking about getting into character creation myself, u have any good tutorials to recommend?
Scruples's paint over is spot on, I find the softness brings it more inline with the original reference.
A lot has changed
I edited the hand-on-hip hand to be more realistic. Changed the direction he was looking. And added some more color and a little subtle to his face.
Bertmac: I do have some color in the AO it's just subtle. Some blue in the jacket and some reds in the pants and skin. Heck yea its went thru some changes. My stuff always seems to go thru alot of changes and some real ugly phases before anything decent comes out.
punchface: Thanks man. I appreciate that. I wanted to do something more modern for that exact reason.
Leinad: Thanks for that man! I think its going to help alot. I appreciate it.
AlbinLundahl: Thanks for looking at my stuff!
Johan3043: Thanks man! I have been trying to think of a specific tutorial for characters and I am not sure that I really watched any. I mostly just read thru all the wealth of info here on PC!
Fomori: Thanks for all your help thru this project!
Scruples: Thanks for the paintover! Yea there are some differences. The skin tone is pretty different.
one leg need to be straight to balance the weight without putting much energy into it
Pose him leaning up against a wall having a smoke or something :P