These are the guys who made goldeneye, perfect dark, banjo kazooie/tooie, donkey kong country. Their twitter account says they plan to make a game similar to Banjo Kazooie,, and they plan to use the Unity engine.
Its still way too early to speculate anything will come out of this,, but I am definitely pumped.
!!! Nice! They even got Grant Kirkhope composing. He is probably one of my favorite Composers and I will totally donate just to get him to write bad ass music.
Hopefully they can make some awesome stuff. I was a big N64 fan as a kid.
The games from that era do not often hold up compared to the standards of current games, but then again, if they were able to push the medium and create good games using such limiting tech, I wonder what they'll be able to do with the current dev options.
!!! Nice! They even got Grant Kirkhope composing. He is probably one of my favorite Composers and I will totally donate just to get him to write bad ass music.
Definitely, there was times when I would replay certain levels just to listen to the music. Some of his stuff:
Edit: Didnt a bunch of the rare guys leave during the development of PD,,, and they created free radical (the timespitters guys). And now they are part of Crytek if I am not mistaken.
Whether the game ends up being good or not. I know I'm definitely getting the soundtrack!
I loved all of Rare's games. Though Banjo-Kazooie and Jet Force Gemini definitely had to be my favorites. After this if they did a game like Jet Force Gemini that would be amazing. Though I guess for that music I don't know if they could get Robin Beanland.
Soooo if they consider Unity and Kickstarter maybe finally a multiplatform title from them ? PC Windows or even better Linux well that would be an instant seller for me at least, loved there games but they always picked the wrong platform for me lol.
The games from that era do not often hold up compared to the standards of current games, but then again, if they were able to push the medium and create good games using such limiting tech, I wonder what they'll be able to do with the current dev options.
Definitely, there was times when I would replay certain levels just to listen to the music. Some of his stuff:
Edit: Didnt a bunch of the rare guys leave during the development of PD,,, and they created free radical (the timespitters guys). And now they are part of Crytek if I am not mistaken.
I loved all of Rare's games. Though Banjo-Kazooie and Jet Force Gemini definitely had to be my favorites. After this if they did a game like Jet Force Gemini that would be amazing. Though I guess for that music I don't know if they could get Robin Beanland.
Will it be Kinect compatible?
(Sorry, that was a very sick joke. Shame on me.)