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Mudbox to 3ds Max Problem

Hello guys, when I move my model from mudbox to 3ds max, it seems like the parts of the texture get seperated.
Here's some pictures

Up close (Looks fine)

Farther away, it gets messed up


  • MeintevdS
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    MeintevdS keyframe
    This is caused by mipmaps, the further you move the camera the lower resolution texture your viewport will use, by scaling down the texture however it blurs the border pixels mixing in some of the background color. A fix for this is disabling mipmapping in max or you could extend you add padding to your textures.

    I suggest using the padding, since you'll run into the exact same problem in game engines and you don't really wanna turn off mipmapping in those (if it is at all possible)

    Oh and an easy way to add padding is by downloading xnormal and installing the photoshop plugins, it has a function called "Dilation" which will add the padding for you.
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