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Hi guys heres some of my recent work which started of with me experimenting but I am quite happy with the results. I plan to integrate with my previous ruins project, but I am looking for some crits before I take it any further. everything apart from particles and skydome is a made by me.
thanks to wenda111287 on youtube for the tuts and LoTekK for the flow map painter

btw is there any way i can paint grass and trees on my landscape or will i have to do it by hand
EDIT: I think this is what I was thinking of: http://udkc.info/index.php?title=Tutorials:Foliage_Factory
But it seems like it was removed when they introduced their new landscape system. Also, not sure where I got the idea that you could control it with a mask, perhaps someone was discussing a script.
The official documentation site is really better than most of those fan made ones.
please comment and crit it really helps
I haven't received many comments at all on the scene itself, please let me know what you think to help me improve
How big is the whole landscape (in WM and UDK)? And at what resolution did you export the heightmap?
the landscape use a 4096* height map not sure on the size but its pretty huge, which is why it takes so long to paint textures and mesh on to.
Update on rock material used one already in UDK as a reference
Btw, have you had the problem where your landscape doesn't cast shadows? Sometimes I've noticed that with the baked lighting I sometimes don't have shadows from the mountains in my landscape but with dynamic lighting they are there... Could be a setting or something though.
I had the opposite problem with my terrains lighting, the terrain was casting huge shadows all over lower parts of the scene hovever that is now solved.
You can render videos in UDK, but if you don't want to use that, MSI Afterburner is an amazing program for recording videos.
About the scene: why are there strange brighter spots around the terrain? Are they just pointlights or something? Also, the fog particles in the distance are a bit too bright.
i agree the particles are too bright at the moment i will tweak them tommorow.
Also, I was wondering if you would be willing to do a tutorial on foliage meshes? Everything I try and the meshes never light properly. I've been working on this problem for months and it's driving me bananas.
I've checked all the relevant special use flags in material and mesh and have hand tweaked the vertex normals but still to no avail. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
unfortunatelyI dont have time to do a full tutorial however i can post some screenshots of the process later on this week. for follage i make sure that the geometry is the same shape as the plant and that the plant is slightly curved (the same way it would in real life/exagerated) to get rid of any flat lighting, also make sure you have decent lightmap UVs and light map resolution.
I haven't even touched the vertex normals however i want too give it a go in a future project to see if there is any improvement
Maybe I'm just not exporting correctly because everyone who has had no problems always seems to say the same thing. :cheers: