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working on my very first assault rifle, decided to choose the M16A4.
would love some crits on it so far.




  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    My advice:

    Go back and study your reference, and if you don't have a lot of it:

    On that link there should be a rar/file with a good amount of M4 ref.

    Also look up some pictures where someone took the gun apart, or just google for the separate parts "M4 lower receiver" for example.
    There are just to many things wrong with the model, that pointing them out one by one would take to long.

    Throw away/hide the stock and the grip, and just focus on the receiver first.
  • Pedro Amorim
    Are you using reference at all?
  • NickVW
    Update so far, have to fix/add a lot more but its getting shape

  • NickVW
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    joeriv wrote: »
    My advice:

    Go back and study your reference, and if you don't have a lot of it:

    On that link there should be a rar/file with a good amount of M4 ref.

    Also look up some pictures where someone took the gun apart, or just google for the separate parts "M4 lower receiver" for example.
    There are just to many things wrong with the model, that pointing them out one by one would take to long.

    Throw away/hide the stock and the grip, and just focus on the receiver first.

    Did you read this...?
  • Free_Fall
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    Free_Fall polycounter lvl 8
    Torch wrote: »
    Did you read this...?

    That's what I've been thinking, it's pretty damn rude and ignorant to ignore all help you're getting. Even if you're not planning on using it you could at least thank the people for their support..
  • NickVW
    i did remake the lower reciever and downloaded all that ref
  • Denvir
    *cough* say thank you *cough*

    being polite will get you further than being an ass :)

    you have a really nice final render, i only have one problem tell me i'm wrong if i am but if you are using a red dot sight don't you need to remove the forward sight? but other than that nice work looking forward to seeing what else you produce!
  • NickVW
    i apologize if i came out as a ass, i didnt intend too,
    i dont know about the red dot, in my ref it was like this but it could be wrong ofc.
  • aaronaton
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    aaronaton polycounter lvl 6
    hiya mate, just a couple of things:
    1. Front reciever is far too thin, check you ref. Looks like it could snap.
    2. Magazine looks too thick plus its a wrong shape. M4 mags go fairly straight then turn off half way down. Yours is a constant curve which resembles an AK mag design.
    3. Your red dot look good, just need scaling up abit to give it some bulk, you should get rid of the front sight also.
  • aaronaton
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    aaronaton polycounter lvl 6
    Maybe model a M16 VN magazine, they always look nice.
  • Denvir
    Not a problem, I can understand sometimes its easy to forget!
  • Xendance
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    Xendance polycounter lvl 7
    I can't help but think that the barrel portion of the gun is way too small scale compared to the rest of the rifle :\
  • NickVW
    ty for the points, will handle that :)
  • zombie420
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    zombie420 polycounter lvl 10
    This is looking ace! I dig it
  • JoshWilkinson
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    JoshWilkinson polycounter lvl 9
    Denvir wrote: »
    ... i only have one problem tell me i'm wrong if i am but if you are using a red dot sight don't you need to remove the forward sight?

    Just want to jump in and say that no, you do not need to remove the fixed front sight when using a holographic sight. The EOTech is elevated enough that the crosshair rests just above the front sight. (I use a rifle, very, very similar to the one being modeled and the two sights do not interfere with each other) It's worth mentioning though that I also have a folding rear sight so that if the batteries on my EOTech die, I can just remove it and I'm not SOL.

    And addressing Xendance's comment, the most common barrels on the AR platform are 16", 14.5" and 12.5". Modeled looks like a 14.5", which isn't the most common but isn't uncommon either. You should be fine.

    Anyway, I'm enjoying the progress here. Looking forward to more.
  • NickVW
    so about the front sight, to keep or not to keep.. the ref that i used had both a fixed and a red dot one.
  • JoshWilkinson
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    JoshWilkinson polycounter lvl 9
    I should clarify that I provided you with information for my M4 but I forgot that what you're making is an M16A4. With the M16A4, there's very little variation done to the weapon outside of milspec; it's the m4 that gets all dolled up for the parties. What I mean by that is that the M16 only comes with a 20" barrel, a full length rail (12"), and nothing but the A2 flash hider. I also believe that Colt is the only company that makes the M16A4 (you should fact-check that) so you can't really vary too much on your design choices. Regardless, as it stands, you have a hybrid of weapons here. Furthermore, the carrying handle seen on the M16s is also the fixed rear sight and is therefore removed whenever optics are applied. That's why you seldom see M16s with folding rear sights. That said, because of the 20" barrel, you also seldom see M16s without magnified optics. I'd put an ACOG on my M16 first and any kind of un-powered scope second before I put an EOTech on it. And the ACOG is solar powered so I wouldn't need to worry about batteries failing me.

    That aside, if this gun were a person I'd tell you that your anatomy is way off. joeriv provided you with some solid reference that I suggest following more closely. I've included a picture of my rifle to illustrate that your proportions for your EOTech are way off. As it's modeled, your front sight would be obscuring the holographic crosshair completely.

    But while we're splitting hairs here: your muzzle brake is either something I've never seen or the smallest silencer ever (which wouldn't be on an M16A4, and wouldn't be fitted right after the front sight). Your delta ring is non-existent, the rivets surrounding the mag release (not sure what those are called...) are too distant, and aaronaton has correctly pointed out that the magazine is curved like an AK's. Also, you need to mirror your entire gun along the x axis (assuming this is set up to Max/ Maya's orthographic views) because everything is reversed. I also have no idea what the wire coming out of the rail is for? Surely it's not the gas tube because that never protrudes the rifle.

    As it stands, you've modeled something that resembles an M16 but doesn't honestly make a lot of sense. You've also shown you have the modeling skill to execute what you're after but you need to get the proportions right and follow your references better. Good luck.

  • NickVW
    ty for all that amazing feedback, will work on those points!
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