Hypothetical because I won't be going to great lengths to make it a functioning game. At the moment it's just a modeling exercise.
I also have outdated concept art. I will redo these as I go along, apart perhaps from the cyclops.
Right now I've started on a base male model. I'm not going for uber low-poly, but still nothing that polygonally impressive, either.

(I've forgotten how to model shoulders.)
EDIT: So it's done for now. There are things wrong about it but I don't know.

Your character design for the protagonist is quite nonsensical. A button up shirt, fluffy robe, tight pants, tunic sleeves, and a helmet..none of those things really match. Unless your going for a bizarre thing where its intentional...you may want to consider solidifying the look and style of the guy. That helmet serves no purpose right now...if I were to come at this guy with a sword, I wouldn't go for the head...as his entire body is exposed...
EDIT: Got a female base model down. I will tweak these depending on the character at the right time.
As for the logic, or lack thereof, of his design, I quote myself. The coat isn't actually part of his sleepwear per se, rather it's in the colours of (House Baratheon) the political figure he was opposing. His captors give it to him to rub salt in the wound, that "hehe he's going to die wearing our colours."Also because swooshy lengths of fabric in games are cool.
I also tried making his helmet not so obviously medieval Europe.
That character's body hair is incredibly thick. Also, his thighs are too short.
Been playing Torchlight 2 these past two days but I've grown bored with it so now I suppose I'm back. Unwrapped the cyclops and yes.
EDIT: Final WIP for today I guess.
Also, here's a basic size comparison. Might be taller but I'm not sure where the line for "would-collapse-under-own-weight" is.
Considering his build, I'd say either use something like a Kodiak or Polar bear all reared up for mobility base, or if he's extremely slow and plodding, look up the Megatherium: From head to tail 20 feet long, weighed 4 tons, and while mostly a quadroped like bears could rear up to approximately 15 feet to 18 feet tall.