Hey guys, I was just given an assignment a while ago to handpaint a mini enviornment that the teacher model. Everything is going to be diffuse only and no photos, everything has to be handpainted. I'm going to use this thread to post my progess on the assignment and please guys tear this apart. I can take the critques. Here's my progress so far.

Tell me what you guys think? What's due this week is the rest of the roof finished. I'm not fully satisfied with the wood yet, but I'll play around some more with it.

It's not a bad start. Right now what sticks out to me is a lack of color variation making everything look flat. Nice hand painted wood has a lot of color infused into it - purple/blues in the shadows and nice warm oranges/yellows for highlights. Maybe even a touch of green can set it off nicely too. Adding bits of subtle color in the right places makes a huge difference.
Make sure you define your lights and darks too. I see you started to do that with the well but you can definitely push it with that wood. Also, when you pick your highlight and shadow colors try not to just pick a darker/lighter shade of your base color, again try to incorporate other colors.
Check out the wiki http://wiki.polycount.com/TexturingTutorials#Painting_Stylistic_Textures for some great hand painted examples.
Yeah I added some cool colors to the shadows and warm ones to the highlights but it's extremely subtle. I'll deff bump it up and add some more variation as well as pushing the values some more.
Thanks for the critque! I appreciate it, I'll get working ;D
It is a good ressource.
Keep working.
I suggest learning the principles of light and shadow simply first, then trying to make 'handpainted game textures'
@Pixel I didn't really look at any references, I kinda just went with it. If anything I would say the blizzard art style would have an inpact.
Thanks for the Critques everyone! I'm going to try to work on this as much as I can these next couple of days, Should finish up the rest when I get back from work.
I've been learning a lot and I'm really starting to like how this is coming out. I'm still not satisfied with the grass alpha so I'll keep playing around with that, and I haven't touched the boulders yet, The texture on it now is just a place holder.
Everything is really lowpoly, diffuse only. I did not make the models but I textured everything.
Critiques are more than welcome
Cannot express enough how awesome that tutorial was, that was a well spent weekend, and I'm considering watching it again to retain some of theory on lighting he goes over.
Keeping your details chunky will help a lot. Make things readable from a distance. You were painting some decent looking cracks and stuff on the bricks but it too small of detail from a distance will just look like noise. Also, it's hard for your textures to really look good when none of the geo is cut out to help support the silhouettes.
But I think Jessica is right too. If you had lighting and shadows and maybe AO, it might help too. Keep at it! I've been working on really learning hand painted stuff too. It's a fun challenge!
Lets see some more!
@Jessica I was really considering throwing this into udk but just haven't had the chance too. I'll most likely throw it in this weekend and see what i can make out of it.
@owl Thanks for the big tip! I've been doing every objec as a separate piece. Doing so I considerated too much on the little details rather than the whole scene as a whole. I'll deff. Go back in and make some more readable from a distance