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Select optionMenu AE item with MEL ?

polycounter lvl 12
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Jedi polycounter lvl 12
Im making a UI that will control all the light shaders in the scene at once without having to go into the nodes of each one everytime. I can get every attribute I want except the values from the dropdown optionmenus in the attribute editor.

How can I get this value and change it? Im looking at the script editor with echo. It should be something like

setAttr "uber_light1.light_type" -type string "None" or "Ambient" or similar
but it doesnt work.

I have written a custom uberlight shader and added annotations in the code which give me dropdown menus and sliders and color boxes in the relevant areas. For example: (my formatting is getting messed up on paste)

#pragma annotation light_type "gadgettype=optionmenu:None:Ambient:Directional:Environment:GI:Glossy_Env:Glossy_Refl:Gummi:Point:Spot;"

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