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Alternate jobs in the game industry?

polycounter lvl 7
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DavePhipps polycounter lvl 7
As some of you know I'm a computer tech and have doing it for years. There was a budget cut at my current employer (I was the budget cut) so I decided it was time to go to school and finally earn a degree. In the next year or so I'll be graduating with an associates degree in Computer Information technology. Ihave also gotten a few tech certs A+, Network+, and will be getting a few MS ones and my CCNA before I graduate. Now I love game art and would love to have a job doing such, but my skill level isn't there yet. I'm thinking of moving back to the Seattle area once I graduate where there are more tech and game related jobs, but I have a question about the tech jobs.

Where does one look for game induatry tech support/Sys Admin/ IT infrastucture jobs? I've seen a few at Gamasutra, but that's about it. I know there have to be some people out there keeping the PCs, servers, and networks happy at studios and they probably don't do it for free. So where did they find their jobs? Inquiring minds want to know.

Hey, I found a map with links! This might be the starting point for my future job search


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