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[Maya] Combining objects leaves behind two groups?

polycounter lvl 14
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mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
This is driving me nuts...

Quick video: http://screencast.com/t/7o3j4eAx

Basically, I'm just trying to combine two objects. I've done this before and I never remember it leaving two groups with transform nodes behind. Upon deleting those groups and the nodes nested in them, the newly created object disappears or is shot off somewhere.

Perhaps combining objects like this isn't the best, but this is just a quick and dirty mockup of a CAD drawing.


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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    When you combine two or more meshes in maya it creates a group for the new geometry and then reference groups based on the old geometry. You want to make sure after you combine meshes together you delete history, then go into the outliner and delete the groups that you don't need. Also make sure you remove any meshes from a group that you need before you delete the group.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    That was it, thanks. Man... I've been using Maya for two years now, and I never remember that crap happening before. Could be I never combined meshes that I didn't end up welding verts for. Could also be this NyQuil working it's way out of my system...

    Anyways, thanks :)
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    trying doing combine useing this script, http://www.funkybunnies3d.com/tools/maya/FBcombine.mel

    it does it in a much cleaner manner
  • gray
    Stradigos wrote: »
    I've been using Maya for two years now, and I never remember that crap happening before.

    it is very possible that you turned off construction history at some point. if construction history is off then combine will not create any utility nodes. and the same is the case for many operations.

    but maya uses the history and utility nodes in a smart way. it uses them to eliminate many recalculations and duplications of data in memory. so it is better to leave it on and delete history when you don't need the nodes then keep if off and have maya use more memory and do more calculation. this is especially true with large data sets. history is extremely efficient and an advantage in this instance.
    so i just went to panels on persp while in 4 screen view and made a new one xD it worked for me.
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