Hello, I have a little question about arrays on which I am quite stuck on.
I have an array.
#("BoxA", "BoxB")
I manage to save this array in an external file, a txt file. My array in here will then look like this :
Here now my issue. I want to reload this array back into my script, but for now I only succed to reload 1 of the component of my array !.
I am unable to find back my #("BoxA", "BoxB") from the BoxA,BoxB, saved in the file ! I have try so many diferent tricks that I cant tell them all in here...
Someone could at least point to the good direction ?
Thanks !
have another look through the textstream/parsing stuff in the reference - there'll be something you can use
this should do the trick. I suggest to make a function out of it.
Looks like I was completly wrong in my way to loop in the file.
Thanks ! : )
McGreed : those ini files looks very interesting indeed, thanks for the information ! :]
a = filterString "bibot¦Tiktika¦string1¦23¦true"
print a[3] -- gives "string1"