This is my first project I did in Maya 2012, this is also my first time attempting this kind of art style and using zbrush4 to heavily normal map objects.
Check it out, and feel free to crit.
I hope to put this into UDK eventually, but Im putting this project to bed for now and thinking about what to do next. :poly142:

What stands out the most to me is probably the trees, I see what your trying for but ultimately it looks very geometric.
for example the fence is heavily stylized. planks are big, they are sloppy as hell and differences in their lenght are exaggerated.
on the other hand the cottage itself is made of much smaller planks, they were put together with precision and the model doesn't have any sloppiness.
I would go back and try re work that tree, the planes are far too obviously and it really takes away from the rest of the scene.
Maybe add some more geometry to the chimney, make it a little more interesting.
Nice start though
Thank you very much for your crit, it is appreciated. :poly136: