Hi all, trying to improve my game modeling skills here is a new model.
Nothing original as it is an other ork but here is what I did.
I finished my high poly and heading to modeling the low poly.
I posted it in the sketchbook thread too, but because I need feedback and criticism I want to start a thread here as I had really great advices from my last model.
So don't hesitate to comment. I will mainly concentrate on technical aspect (low poly modeling, baking and texturing) as it is my weakest point.
Not that I think I'm supah good in high poly modeling but at least I'm able to make something to let me play with these parts.
So here is the model.

The quality compression can ruin completly my picture even at low compression rate.
I tried to optimize it after your comment and I managed to get it at 230ko.
Or maybe I'm just rambling on and it just my host that is slow.
Jaydon, thank you.
SveinY, At your command! I added a skull and two pouches, it is a great idea and fill the empty space. Thanks
Here it is:
So here are the pictures.
And a gif turnaround.
Every crits are welcome.
I still have some issue to display the normal map correctly in marmoset, I have to find what is going on. I don't know if it comes from my baking or my setup in marmoset, if anyone has any clue I'm all ears.
i'm not too familiar with marmoset, but it looks like you need to flip the green channel... but only in some areas, which is weird.
what are you using to bake this down? i think the marmo guys recently said xNormal gives the best results? not sure though, might be worth looking up.
Here are the uvs
Thanks. So I have to setup my uvs for baking and rendering.
I'll do that, thanks.
Just wondering, does moving my uvs to an other coordinate will fix the issue? Or I have to delete these part completly or it will be baked twice with this setup too?
Because if Xnormal manage mutli uv tile moving to an other tile will just make the same thing. Am I correct?
so for example, it looks like the legs are mirrored, so select the UV's for one of the legs, and offset it by 1. then bake it out, and both legs should look fine in marmoset after that.
Here is the result.
Now heading to the textures.
Anyway every crits are welcome.