Hi guys,
I planed to do my first complete Scene for my portfolio.
The Idea: flying Islands between the clouds on the one side and stair to the hell on the other side.
It shall get a fantasy/mystery touch with runic stones a portal to the bright and a portal to the dark side.
The bright side will be dominated by the colours blue green and violet and the dark side by red brown black.
My first target is to get the middle Island and the bright side. It will be connected by hanging wood bridges and on one of the 3 or 4 islands should be a heaven portal on the others crazy trees and plants like mushrooms gras and so on.
I startet by sketching just a very short map overview.
Now I will start concept out some Stone formation to use for my islands.
I'm not extremly practiced with udk and Ce3 but I will try to learn to use one of this Engines better. Maybe there are some opinions about them.
Here I got my Asset list to complete:
Islands (small, and big middle Island)
gras set
tree set
fantasy plant set
stone set
tiles for the ways
textures ofr gras and stone

two very fast sketches to show u my mind

first island concept i did in zbrush. Maybe a bit to small and the texture colour isnt that great.
I will post new things as far as I got new ones.
I would be glad to get some feedback, critics, ideas and maybe some tips and tricks of you!
Thank you very much
greets Brauni
the link in your
This takes some time, because i have no practice with wood structures. The question for me now is: Is one plank enough and the viewer doesnt see that the bridge has always the same instanced plank or do i have to do more different pieces?
I would just like to add some ivy hanging down from the ropes. I just dont know how to do this. Will search this days the net for it.
I've created some new planks now.