Alright, so this is the first time I've tried to make a TF2 item. It's been great so far. However, any feedback I can get would be appreciated.
So far, this is the image of the model itself, without a texture but with color:

This is the back of the model: (Yes, that is a drum harness. I've checked it for size compatibility with the medic and it should work.)

And this is its current image map:

Any suggestions for what I should do to improve the model and or the texture? I've only got 18 days left to finish the model. (I've spent 12 working on it so far.)
Here's the same model from behind:
(I'm currently debating whether or not to add the stainless steel texture to the rest of the drum harness.)
And here's the current texture I have: (Yes, I changed the texture map.)
Also, in case you're curious, since I don't have Photoshop nor want to learn how to use it just for a single texture, I'm working with a texture map that's 4098 by 4098 to get the details down more precisely, and plan to downsize it (and make sure I iron out some of the imperfections after doing so) to a 512 by 512 texture map. Also, I haven't gotten to highlighting the edges yet.
It's basically a turbocharged version of MS paint, with more features and plenty of plugins to go along with it.
So this is the last textured 3D object you will ever do?
You also want to look into smoothing groups, or in may's case soft/hard edges.
And imo you could probably reduce the tri count on most of the cylinders
I also don't get the bolts on the back, seeing the harness I guess this would be on a players back, so why spend all that geo on something you won't see?
Also check for Ngons (poly's with more then 4 vertices), I can see a couple of those, biggest on being on the front lower/Mid panel and the side.
And good point, I'll get rid of the bolts, and eliminate the N-gons later. Won't take too long, but I'm focusing on texturing right now, and it's much easier to use the current texture map due to the lack of extra white lines involved.
I'll also work on adding the soft and hard edges later after the texture is made.
And I still haven't gotten an answer: Should I use the stainless steel look or just leave the metal looking rather plain?
What do I mean by stainless steel?
I mean a texture like the one you see on the top part of the harness but not the bottom part. A texture that gives off the general appearance of stainless steel while not being too specific nor detailed about it.
Why pink? Why not red for the main body of the dispenser?
Pink blends in better with the medic's outfit. The blue team version will have light blue be the most notable color. Also, it's not like the Engineeer doesn't have cans of pink (or light blue) paint lying around.
What does this do?
Well, I have to be honest here: It's up to Valve. But with a model like this, and with the intent to submit it as a medigun replacement, it's likely that it'll be able to heal multiple teammates within range, at a rate that's less than or (maybe) equal to the rate of a level 1 dispenser, and that'll allow you to use your syringe gun or bonesaw while it heals those nearby. This is based off of the model itself.
Some possibilities that Valve might incorporate:
It's likely this will either have no uber or have the ubercharge instantly replenish the ammo of anyone within healing distance. (The latter is weak, but it fits in with the fact this is technically still a dispenser.)
There's the potential for it to be sapped, but then again, since the spy could just backstab the medic with this item, why bother? That is, unless it gave some sort of resistance to backstabs.
There's a chance hitting this item with a wrench might just do something. What, I do not know.
Also, here's a mockup of the item on the medic, first image is the front, second image is the back.
Also, you don't have to drop $800 to do 3d modeling. I mean, at some point you might be interested to learn those other pieces of software, but Autodesk has systems in place where you can use their software for about 3 years with their student and unemployment programs.
There is also Blender 2.6, which is a very functional 3d modeling software that is free. Also, with Gimp and Inkscape being free that covers any 2d functions you may need if you don't want to spend any money on that.
Also Sculptris is free as well for a basic sculpting tool.
Plus, I have a square brush plugin for now, so I should be good to go on anything I need to make brush-wise. That, and already has a file type that includes layers, so I won't have to worry too much about that.
Also, with the parts that go over the medic's shoulders, they're a very basic shape. I took half a pipe, rotated it fifteen degrees, and extended out each end to make that. And that's also a good point, I'll get rid of that to free up space. I haven't run the cylinders through a simplify geometry run yet either. Also, I was planning on lowering the outer vertexes of the parts of the medic's harness on the outside by a bit, to make it fit the model a bit better. Besides that, it's simple enough and it works, so why change it beyond that?
And thanks for the advice. I might work on my other ideas then.
I'll actually post when I have something to post.
It was a spambot, they make generic replies to build up a post count and appear as legitimate users. I've taken care of it...
Except I'm stuck at the part where I have to compile the model.
I'm getting the following error: Smiley is not an intentional inclusion.
And here's the QC file I currently have:
Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?