I thought I'd try to get back into the groove of 3d art now that I'm finally done with my school thesis work. Thus i'll begin by posting about a personal project I undertook recently. I've wanted to do some proper environment work, and I decided to test doing some RTS buildings!

First I began with the concepting of course, as in the spirit of the ANNO games, which I love, I thought the design should revolve around the plot in stages. Think a building which goes through stages from mud pile, camp, hut and so forth until it's a proper mansion in itself.

I also did some low poly blocking beforehand to explore a few options of buildings to make, I will probably do more block ins and concepts if I decide to do more buildings, but for now I settled on the hut to set the art-style and so forth.*

Now this hut I've taken the farthest, it consists of 3 components with its own texture space. The building, the ground "anchor", and the doodahs (which means props I guess, seen it a lot in old game editors). The idea of splitting it up like that was to enable the doodahs to be reused in other building slots as well as giving the option of reposing the plot to give an alternate version of it. Stylewise I'm going for a handpainted style which you can see i've done some experimenting with. The hut currently takes 400 tris, the ground 40 and the doodahs 415 triangles.

All kinds of questions, feedback and constructive critique are appreciated! I'll post more as this progresses