Hey guys and gals. Haven't posted anything in ages, and I'm getting going on a new portfolio, out with the old shiz, in with the new. This guy first started out as a cop, I was really inspired by Mashru Mishu's Street Cop, but as I started sculpting he evolved into this guy. I came up with a loose background story. The future soldiers have the opportunity to earn more credits by volunteering for certain medical programs. This guy did just that, with the result of the arm. Now he earns money as a hard nut and generally not being a nice guy.
This is what I have so far after about two days evening work. Still lots to do before I even begin polypainting. Please please leave comments and crits! Thanks for looking.:)

The other problem I'm having which I've chosen to ignore until now is the ripped sleeve situation.
Is the best way to do this to mask out the rips, hide, then delete the hidden areas then retop? I was having difficulty getting a good mask to do this. This there a better way to achieve this look? Again thanks for the comments.:)