Hey there guys! I figured it would be a good practice to start up my own sketchbook and get my work flow out there to show to the world. I'm sure it'll be a great way to help me grow and progress. I plan on posting mostly character creation progression, as well as some 2d sketches or sculpts I might do for fun. Feel free to C&C as I'm fresh out of college and still very much wet behind the ears with all of this.
Thanks and I look forward to hearing what you guys have to say!
This is just a smattering of some of the ideas floating around in my head. I was mainly inspired to create this character after seeing a picture of the child actor "Will Poulter" in the picture displayed above. I think it's from the movie Son of Rambow, which was pretty good. ANYWAYS, I wanted to base the model mainly off of his very unique facial proportions and characteristics.
I have been having a little trouble zeroing in on a distinct style I want his costume to have. I know I get a definite tron vibe from the whole thing but I definitely don't want to directly rip that style off. It will take some development, but I'm sure I'll get there. Here's an early body and clothing set for the character. I've created a face-mask to layer under the helmet. I believe that layers are a good way to build believability in a character. Even if you only see a square inch of the item in the final character, building something for your portfolio, and adding that extra layer of unseen depth helps me to almost "bond" with who I believe the character is at their core.
As well as all of that I decided to include a few songs which I feel will directly influence the nature of this character. Wish I knew how to embed video into this post but yeah, here are the links!
And here is the base sculpt for the body and under garments. Let me know what you think. Will be working on this thing all day, so your feedback will be greatly appreciated!
I also wanted to have a somewhat less predictable helmet. The visor kind of flips down I suppose maybe, and acts as an external sensor, while the eyes are covered by high sensitivity ultra perceptive goggles. I don't feel like the suits were explained TOO much in the book beyond the idea that they had some lights and freezy joint things, which I've worked into the elbows and knees.
Anyways, looking forward to some C&C. Thanks!
Also, if anyone has any suggestions about whether I should go skin tight under armor jumpsuit? Or baggy fighter pilot? I'm kind of stuck inbetween right now and it's bothering me.
Thanks again!