Ok, so after GDC I decided it was time to get my shit together and get a page up so I could, you know, get a job, and not have to bow my head in shame every time I met someone. I figured August was a good deadline. My desktop now has these little colonies of files growing in various places. None of which look like a web page,demo reel, portfolio, or resume.
You all, are gonna help me turn this mess into something professional.
First up:

concept down there in lower right, its either from kotaku or wallbase, not sure who the artist is, but I bet hes a great guy. send him money (but dont grovel, never grovel).
now I'm taking that and I'm gonna make it do this:

Ive labeled a couple of issues Ive yet to try to fix. The front end has a place-holder texture. The white stuff is shock wave stuff, cause its goin really fast.
Today I made a first attempt at prettifying the sky box with various brush-blending hocus-pocus. It came out better, but I had grabbed the wrong file to edit and so when I ran it through the sky box program it "went pink" as they say.
The image for the sky box is from space engine which now has a nifty sky box tool. I have a feelin it may end up being to flat looking no matter what I do. No worries though cause space engine also lets you export a height map of the planet. It gets kinda crashy at 4098 though, and thats for the whole globe.
May be if I ask Space Engineer(Space Engine's dev) nicely he can do some code-fu and render out just the 50km radius I need.
Too much word-stuff. More pretty.

Mt. Pointy will be destroyed.
Did I mention this is the first time Ive used floaters?
Now Ive got issues for sure, UV mirroring that's fucked, seams, and some of the normal mapped features are still reading flat. Is it detailed enough, what about giving it WW 1 naval camo?
For a static shot that going into a porfolio piece, how much cheating am I allowed? Can I just throw the highpolys in there?
what kind of mesh shot helps you help me?


well, its a start, o wait....
Gentlemen, start your engines.
now its a start.
Just focus on solo assets.
Keep it simple, clean.
Don't cheat your portfolio scenes because if they ask for you to demo it during an interview and it looks night and day different, you'll not be asked back. Or if you get asked to do an art test and your results clearly do not match your provided portfolio, you will look like a hack.
As others have said, get the ship looking perfect then worry about the environment you are in. You can only eat an elephant one bite at a time. Being too ambitious and working on the entire scene at once is sure fire way to never finish anything.