Generally you would start from big, to medium, to small.
Big = blobs of detail/color blending (Gradient)
medium = sharper color blending = creating forms such as rock distortion (chipped area, were the light changes) [forms]
Small = Finer details, crevasse, edges, sharp details/dirty It up. [details]
This is how I can best describe it and how I believe texturing to come about.
Others whom are more knowledgeable could choose to chime in and correct me.
Big = blobs of detail/color blending (Gradient)
medium = sharper color blending = creating forms such as rock distortion (chipped area, were the light changes) [forms]
Small = Finer details, crevasse, edges, sharp details/dirty It up. [details]
This is how I can best describe it and how I believe texturing to come about.
Others whom are more knowledgeable could choose to chime in and correct me.