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Folders named 'Keyboard' - Maya 2013 bug?

polycounter lvl 9
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sheckee polycounter lvl 9
Since installing Maya 2013 I get folders titled 'Keyboard' which are empty appearing in any location I open or save maya files from.
Here's a screen shot to illustrate.
I basically have folders everywhere in my projects files called Keyboard which are empty. Is there a way to stop this happening? It's a bit annoying.

Can't seem to find any answers on google, and only a few places that even mention this problem.


  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Weird, I came across this some time ago and wondered where the folder came from. I'm a tech-artist though and I dunno on which of the many PCs I saw this on. Guess I just wanna tell you - you're not alone, you're not crazy ;) I wish I could help though...
  • sheckee
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    sheckee polycounter lvl 9
    :D Thanks Kwramm. I managed to find out that it's something to do with Maya 2013's keyboard preferences. For some reason it likes to make folders for it with nothing in them. Apparently there is no way to stop it. Brilliant.
  • Toast
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    Toast polycounter lvl 11
    Maya is a very strange program. I get this as well.
  • Warheart
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    Warheart polycounter lvl 17
    I'm glad other people are seeing this too. I had thought it was being created by a rogue bit of my toolset and it was driving me crazy trying to track it down.

    I had a quick look into when it happens and it looks like Maya creates it in the directory it was launched from (which is the same directory the MEL command pwd() returns). So I'm guessing it's intended to be created next to the maya exe, which is what happens if you launch maya via a shortcut. However, if you launch it by double clicking on a Maya file then you get a "Keyboard" folder created in the same directory as the scene file.

    In my case I'm launching Maya from another process (a c# exe) so the Keyboard folder gets created next to that. Although that's probably not the case for most people I thought I'd share in case it's useful to other tech artists who may be doing something like this (e.g. Kwramm :) ).
  • mattbaka
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    mattbaka polycounter lvl 6
    got this too on our Maya 2013 sp2 extension... need to add maya to a 120+ computer image for our 3d school, hoping we can work out a fix soon.
  • Danny Blank
    Anyone actually figure out how to stop maya from making these folders?
  • sheckee
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    sheckee polycounter lvl 9
    Just to update, it still happens for me in 2014. Fantastic.
  • hice3di
    hi guys. i'm having the same thing just this month or maybe since December. i noticed it just this this month. 100% the same. All of my project folder with maya has the same folder. Has anyone already know how to prevent this kind of sorcery? suggestions will be much appreciated. thank you very much 1526734_800520509963956_274741861_n.jpg
  • hice3di
    hi guys. i'm having the same thing just this month or maybe since December. i noticed it just this this month. 100% the same. All of my project folder with maya has the same folder. Has anyone already know how to prevent this kind of sorcery? suggestions will be much appreciated. thank you very much 1526734_800520509963956_274741861_n.jpg
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