I decided to star a new character...nothing in my mind for now..i just start the base mesh ,plz crit and comment are welcome!.
Tomorrow i will start a fast paint over in Photoshop for the armor and basicaly for the "final" concept
Good start. Maybe arms are too long? Although he's not really human so maybe that was intentional.
For images directly in the post you're going to need an image hosting website like imageshack or photobucket, and post the image URL using the image icon.
fixed some anatomy proportions and sculpted face, feet and hands..i did not too much work on details, couse i'll cover it with armor, i'll detail the uncover part later.
have a lot of problem on upload image...the INSERT IMAGE button doesnt work
i think you could refine his jaw/cheek bones a bit as they look a bit blocky atm also i think the top of his legs (where they meet the hips) look quite flat and don't look like they'd rotate properly. other then that it's looking good,
did a paintover just to have some concept in my "hands" ^^...im really slow and lazy with 2d so that is not a real final concept, but as i said is just to not lose the point in the future, i think i will change some proportion and ad other details during sculpting..
Most people insert images by URL (the little picture of a mountain) using some image hosting or their own.
For images directly in the post you're going to need an image hosting website like imageshack or photobucket, and post the image URL using the image icon.
have a lot of problem on upload image...the INSERT IMAGE button doesnt work
I tried to upload the image by imageshack and put here with [img]tag, but always appear an a corrupted image and the image does not load