Well, I just hired our first full-time artist for
WorldAlpha. Serge is a great artist (IMHO) and he is looking to get some feedback on his work. I'm doing this for him, as he is too busy producing more great images for WorldAlpha. Let us know what you think either positive or negative. Specific images or the whole collection. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks in advance. (editted to clarify Serge knows I'm doing this)







Fruits and Vegetables

Electronic Component


Bedroom Set
Let me know what you think!
Nick2730, it is actually 2D icons for the game, not concept art.
Well, they are really big icons... should see with ingame real size to judge...
I'm not sure what you're looking for here, and I really don't think it is appropriate for an employer to post an employee's work looking for "honest feedback."
Here's some honest feedback, but not what you were looking for, I'd imagine:
If you're looking for information to help review him, an internet forum is not the appropriate place to go - there are plenty of people here that make AAA astounding work and still get critical feedback, and there are people who make utter shit that doesn't merit giving them any critical feedback because they'll never post it. Neither of these are relevant to an employee review process.
I would really recommend not doing this in the future. It is, at best, naive and unprofessional on your part, and will scare off future artists.
I'm still a little confused as to why they are so large if they're icons, I guess I would have to see how they functioned first hand to get it
I also get that you're looking to improve the art on your project together and get feedback in general. But maybe it'd be a lot easier to critique if there was context. Like maybe if you told us the premise of the game, what you're going for, and some sort of setting that these objects are in so we can tell if they fit or not. (I know you linked the site but still some sort of intro would help)
Hope your game takes off! Seems like an interesting concept.
Not trying to lecture you or sound condescending or anything, just trying to explain people's reactions a bit... Anyway, congrats on the new hire and good luck with your games!
Read that 10 min ago. Still laughing.
@worldalpha Props to you for showing an interest in getting outside feedback on your artist's work, for your artist. I'd appreciate it if my boss were to do that for me while I was busy working. Sounds like you have a very dedicated artist on your hands; and talented, from the looks of it. GIVE THAT MAN A RAISE!!
I think this was mentioned in another post, but the only thing that sticks out for me would be the odd proportions on the car and bedroom images. There's a difference in detail between some of the images as well, but it's pretty minor.
The icons are ok, but if he want to improve on something, he should start with the perspective. The bed, warehouse and car have some irritating issues with it. Though this might not be a problem when scaled down.