So my name is Reece,
I have just started a Games Design course at Leeds Met uni, and we have just started the first 3D modelling assignment.
Its a Low Poly assignment, we have to model a car within a 1000 triangle limit.
This isn't my first time modelling, I have had a years previous experience but in no way am I claiming to be a great modeller. I did it more as a hobby, but looking to make that transition into professional.
It would be fantastic if I could get some crit's about my work so far, good or bad I can take it!
Please rip it apart

Front view:

Back View:

Beneath View:

I apologise if some of the images don't work first time, not sure what the best way to post images on here is

Thanks for reading

Here are the links to the imageshack until I can figure out how to just slap the image in the post:
(Sorry for being a complete forum noob)
And I forgot to mention last post that its sitting at about 935 triangles out of 1000 !
I'm also at Leeds Met - on the same course but I'm a final year student
- As no one else has posted I'll give you some sound advice on your model, I'll try not to be too critical but honest at the same time. - As I'm just giving the same advice I got when I've spoken to a few "pros" on here!
- You have many years to gain before you make that transition between hobbyist and professional I'm not saying that to be a jerk its merely that you have to practice and become excellent with - various softwares; zbrush, mudbox, maya, max, and various game engines - from UDK to Unity :P as that's all you'll be using at Uni and its not very widely used in industry. Not only that but then become "speedy" with them.
In general I would say you have the silhouette - almost nailed; it looks like a low poly mustang
Your topology is "Ok" - you have some very clean parts to the model, then in some areas where you've used triangles (which is fine) that just becomes messy. - Your should attempt to evenly space your quads where-ever possible.
You have some edges in there, that aren't actually needed; they don't add anything to the model nor in removing them would result in five sided faces.
Your wheels even on a low poly model could be more of the required shape!
Nicely done - some small improvements and it'll be done
Thanks for all the advice, and I have tried to implement everything you mentioned into my model, hopefully its looking a little better now. I have attempted to take out unnecessary lines and edge loops that were not effecting the overall silhouette.
I have also bunked up the polycount on the wheels to make them rounder.
Im still a bit unsure about the triangle placement and the overall topology of the model, but I suppose im going to have to keep those in there if I want to stay below my budget.
Anyway's here are the updates:
The polycount is currently sitting at 974 triangles, so I have some give.
Thanks again for the reply.