Hi everyone!
My name is Alex and I just got my new demoreel up on my new website. I'm going to apply for a junior 3D animator position soon and before I do that, I wanted to first ask you guys for some feedback. I think this is actually the first time i've posted my work here on PC, so i'm a bit nervous.

Anyway, if you have a few minutes to spare and anything to say about my demoreel or the website or whatever, i'd love to hear it!
I'd also really appreciate your opinion regarding the order of the animations in the reel. Should I re-arrange anything or keep it like it is?
Here's the website link: www.alexmiaris.com
Thanks a lot in advance guys, i'm really looking forward to your feedback.

edit: damn, i just saw the title. I wrote "Portolio" instead of "Portfolio"..
maybe a bit too quick end-cuts when they hit the ground and die.
Also i think the way in which the hand injects the pallets, should show those maybe better. -or just use a better hand/arm model...
The dog walks a bit stiff and could also have his mouth animated too
else it looks solid!
sche gmocht
I'd say if you could make It, 3 minutes to 5 minutes long It would help.
From what I saw you got talent for animating nice reel for the most part.
@Next - Danke
@$!nz - Thanks man! I will definitely see what i can do about the length, you're right it is a short reel!
@Snader - Thanks a lot! You're right; I went over the backpack and the shotgun and tweaked them, it should be looking better now.
@Sn1pe - No worries man, thanks a ton! But I have a question. Did you mean the entire part of the FP-animation was weak and amateur like, or just the shooting part maybe? Because I think the shooting part might have pulled down the quality of the entire animation. I redid the shooting part and tweaked the reloading part, so i think it's looking better right now. What do you say? Better? Also, i took a look at the runcycle and I definitely agree. I adjusted it, he's bouncier now!
So the changes i made are the following:
- Made the dog walk less stiff, animated his mouth and ears
- Tweaked the first person animation / redid the whole shooting part (gave the shotgun a proper blast, made it less stiff)
- Tweaked the backpack of the gasmask-guy (made it bounce a bit less)
- Made the runcycle bouncier
website link again: www.alexmiaris.com
Thank you guys again for the feedback, it really helped!
Keep up the great work and good luck with the job-hunt