Hello everyone,
I'm working on my portfolio to find a job in the industry. I recently got my hands on subdivision modeling and wanted to create a scene using only maya instead of Zbrush for the high poly. After a bit of search, I decided to go for the SWTOR trooper ship in UDK. Here's the concept :

And here is the current wip :

Still early work, no decals yet. Front and right doors will be opened later, I'm focusing on the main space right now. I'm not going for a perfect recreation of the concept but I still wish to get the style and mood right.
Two HP in maya viewport :

All feedback greatly appreciated!

Here's the first update, the communicator device.
I leave the hologram effect for later. Lighting is still wip as I'm using some emissive lighting and not all emissive sources are done. I also added a slight orange fog in the back to reduce black levels and give a depth effect.
I'm trying to put more emphasis on the console with the lighting and have some balance for the eyes between all the emissive sources. I'll create the tech stuff on the left next and try to get something nice to the eye.
Critiques are greatly appreciated, as usual.
@RitualSynergY : You're right. I actually have a space underneath with pipes and a red light but you don't see anything of it right now. I should definitely crank up this reddish part.
@fayesmith : There is no highpoly in the scene. Everything is pretty low poly actually, all modular pieces under 1000 tris (pillar at 976, door at 932, ground console at 940, ...). All ground tiles are simple planes using some BumpOffset. DX9, no tessalation. I'll probably post some more detailed screenshot per asset later.
@megalmn2000 : Thanks, I do be trying to catch the mood on the concept art with my own touch.:)
Thanks for the feedback all! I'll try to loose up my edges in the future, I'm still kinda new to HP and have some bad habbits.
So, weekly update it is :
Tweaked some lighting, some specular, played a bit with the fog to put less attention to the back and all those emissive sources (might be too much for the fog though), ...
Also some quick wireframes in toolbag without emi and bumpoffset :
I'll do the main props for the end of the room next. Then it will be time to open up the room, add extra little meshes like wires and add some effects. Then I'll make a detail pass with decals.
New meshes done, big changes to lights/fog (better contrast overall, might be a bit too purple-ish though), opened up the space, ...
I'm not following the design to the letter, more using pieces I already have to create something fitting. There's still a lot of details to add with some little meshes and decals, that will be done next.
Last update as I'm pretty much calling it a day. I don't think it's worth putting more hours for me in this piece. Learned a lot of things doing it and I'm pretty happy with the result. I could do better here and there but I prefer to move on to another piece.
I'll take some time to focus on my texturing skills and then I'll start a new scene with real modular pieces in mind. This one here definitely used too many pieces. Not a problem since it wasn't the focus of the work but the quality of some pieces was reduced, which is not cool. Next piece will be more thought of at the very start as a full modular environment, I need to plan more my work from the very beginning.
Anyway, here comes the shot, not that different from the last one. Some kind of hologram effect (some cheap planes with additive texture and glow from a particle system of UDK with some color tweak), some decals, some cables, little change of colors in the lighting. Thanks for the feedback all.:)
And a screencap of the wireframe mode without sprites particles.