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Sketchbook: Go To Hell Dave: Indie Game development

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GoToHellDave polycounter lvl 5
This is the thread for Falchion Games latest release "Go To Hell Dave"
The game is currently in development by a team of 2 with art contracted out to two others. It's an old school point and click game set in hell, it has lots of humour, lots of silliness and lots of British Charm.


This is a preview of our Alpha footage:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOkJoKNW43k&list=UUN8Ux_TpjiQ8Sx6nCILWaMw&index=0&feature=plcp"]Go To Hell Dave - an old-school adventure game - YouTube[/ame]

We currently have 5 levels, The Passage of reflection, Outside Abandon all hope, Outside belial Burger, Inside the strip club, In the nerd basement.

Inside the strip Club


Feel free to comment, bare in mind this game is still very early in development.

More information can be found on our facebook please like.

Thanks for your time and I hope you can Help us make this game the best it can be

Alex Byrom: Lead Designer


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