this is probably a bit of a strech, but what did you guys think about the wii-u event for those that might have seen it or have heard news emerging from it? interested in developing games for the new hardware? or anything?
I saw it. Was suprised only with Bayonnetta sequel for Wii U. I won't buy it probably at all. I personally think that having two screens is silly idea. It requires you to look down up down up down up, and for what ? There is no gain in the gameplay. Who knows maybe developers will prove me wrong by creating something spectacular with this technology (I doubt it though).
Ohhh and I hate Reggie on stage. He isn't good at being at stage.
well i figured the dual screen functionality can work simply with the success of the ds and that had opened up a large amount of newer more intriguing games.
Reggie seemed worried alot esp when he was sitting on the couch listening the nintendo tv bit, but im still planning to get one.
I'm rather excited. I think there is a lot of potential in the local-multiplayer space that is being ignored by most developers. Local multiplayer is what party-gaming and family-gaming is all about for me. Some of my favorite gaming experiences have been crowded around a screen playing four-player with my friends and family. I really like the idea of a system that caters to this approach to gaming.
I am considering getting one at launch. A deciding factor is going to be my Thanksgiving plans. If I end up with a large group of family/friends for Thanksgiving, I will definitely pick one up at launch and bring it for the holiday festivities. My sister's brother-in-laws are particularly keen on gaming over Thanksgiving.
I'm still waiting to see someone design a dungeon-master style game, and that was the first thing I thought of when I heard about this thing.
**skankerzero** sorry, the edit and quote buttons are right next to each other.
I'm rather excited. I think there is a lot of potential in the local-multiplayer space that is being ignored by most developers. Local multiplayer is what party-gaming and family-gaming is all about for me. Some of my favorite gaming experiences have been crowded around a screen playing four-player with my friends and family. I really like the idea of a system that caters to this approach to gaming.
I am considering getting one at launch. A deciding factor is going to be my Thanksgiving plans. If I end up with a large group of family/friends for Thanksgiving, I will definitely pick one up at launch and bring it for the holiday festivities. My sister's brother-in-laws are particularly keen on gaming over Thanksgiving.
I'm still waiting to see someone design a dungeon-master style game, and that was the first thing I thought of when I heard about this thing.
Of course, last I read it will only support one wiiu remote at a time, but can support 4 wiimotes at a time.
@crazy eyes: yeh i can understand the extreme price point. i was assuming 250 as well, but idk for 300 for that screen isnt that bad i suppose.
@skankerzero apparently they had 2 wii-u remotes playable since e3 and on the event showfloor. idk if thats the limit or whatnot, but yeh im pretty sure most people wont be buying more than one since each controller is like 100+ apparently.
I'm cautiously optimistic about it. It's strange though, some games for it look fantastic graphics wise, while others look like they are still on Wii. For me it comes down to what they put out with the core franchises. New Super Mario Bros U looks great, but everyone is waiting to see franchises like Zelda, Metroid, etc in HD. That's going to be the real selling point. I can only hope that the mystery project that Retro Studios is working on for Nintendo at the moment is a new Metroid.
I'm a big smash bros fan, so as soon as that drops I'm in, probably purchasing a bunch of the gamepad style controllers too. That however will not be for at least another year, maybe more.
I'm actually a bit surprised people thought it would be under 300. It's new tech, even if the graphics aren't a complete generation forward (but still better).
Hell, I'll take a xbox 720 and ps4 for 300. good luck with that!
still, I'm looking forward to this if only for the potential for new gameplay experiences. don't let me down, nintendo!
Only reason I am getting it at launch. And hell..the only reason I use my Wii, to be honest. But i am pretty excited about an updated Monster Hunter 3, and Bayonetta 2...
I'm rather excited. I think there is a lot of potential in the local-multiplayer space that is being ignored by most developers. Local multiplayer is what party-gaming and family-gaming is all about for me. Some of my favorite gaming experiences have been crowded around a screen playing four-player with my friends and family. I really like the idea of a system that caters to this approach to gaming.
I am considering getting one at launch. A deciding factor is going to be my Thanksgiving plans. If I end up with a large group of family/friends for Thanksgiving, I will definitely pick one up at launch and bring it for the holiday festivities. My sister's brother-in-laws are particularly keen on gaming over Thanksgiving.
I'm still waiting to see someone design a dungeon-master style game, and that was the first thing I thought of when I heard about this thing.
**skankerzero** sorry, the edit and quote buttons are right next to each other.
I'm actually a bit surprised people thought it would be under 300. It's new tech, even if the graphics aren't a complete generation forward (but still better).
Hell, I'll take a xbox 720 and ps4 for 300. good luck with that!
still, I'm looking forward to this if only for the potential for new gameplay experiences. don't let me down, nintendo!
It's not new tech, but it's a new product,
Nintendo has so far not been in the "loss per product" bussiness (the recent 3ds cut being the exception), they thrive on hardware sales, sony and ms thrives on software sales.
Nintendo will not get a cent of my money till the day they will bring the real powerhouse machine in the market, how the hell should i be excited about 6 years old hardware and mario?
so does anyone know how the person was controlling the player on the tv on the black ops 2 demo? im assuming wii remotes since that game would seem like a more than likely launch title.
512MB of RAM partitioned in two excited you? My point is, consoles have never been about specs (barring the journey from 8 bit to 128 bit of course). When a console is unveiled, we straight away look for videos of what they are achieving; few care how many teraflops the thing is moving, as gamers anyway. Thats the PC market. I dont think about what a good job the GPU is doing when playing Metroid, but I do appreciate the job my RAM is doing with the high res texture pack of skyrim on PC for example. As long as we see impressive graphics in the initial tech demos, console gamers breathe easy. From then on its about gameplay.
Weeelllll... I think about what a good job the GPU was doing when playing Metroid(not srrs) on the wii. Being a piece of shit it did Aight
I'm really hoping to see a nee Metroid on nintindys new family fun gimmick. There been to many Jumpman and Green elf-boy games being coughed up lately, for that price, another Super Smash and revised ports wont win me over.
512MB of RAM partitioned in two excited you? My point is, consoles have never been about specs (barring the journey from 8 bit to 128 bit of course). When a console is unveiled, we straight away look for videos of what they are achieving; few care how many teraflops the thing is moving, as gamers anyway. Thats the PC market. I dont think about what a good job the GPU is doing when playing Metroid, but I do appreciate the job my RAM is doing with the high res texture pack of skyrim on PC for example. As long as we see impressive graphics in the initial tech demos, console gamers breathe easy. From then on its about gameplay.
I only care about graphics leap in every new console generation, because it will hopefully lead to more exciting games
And for Wii-U, well, it will be another 6-8 years of crappy current gen graphics and technologies, Wii-U won't even support DX11, what in the world is that. Why do i want to play same shit for the next 7 years, when i already play it for a long long time? I cant even look without tears on Wii games, same stuff will be in couple of years with release of Xbox 3 and PS 4.
While I'm nowhere near being a Nintendo fanboy, I'm the first to admit that graphics mean jack shit.
Who cares how a game looks if it's fun?
DX11 won't make games more fun.
Very true, but Nintendo has shown very few games that look fun to me. Of course just my opinion but the Wii U so far has a weak launch lineup and nothing else to promise. The Bayonetta 2 thing is just silly, it seems like Nintendo is grasping at straws for 3rd party titles
every generation the same discussion.
i remember the bashing of the wii, or the ds or even the 3ds, when they got revealed. but somehow nintendo seems to find the line between mass market and the gaming audience.
of course i would love to see some more power in the device, but frankly it's not possible to build a machine with current pc specs for 300$. and would you risk your company for 10% of your costumers, who would pay 600$ or maybe more...
don't forget: you get the gamepad, a true innovative feature, which will surely lead to new ways of enjoying games.
as a developer, i just can say, there is enough power to make any type of game look good enough for a couple of years. we just start to get deeper into the architecture and see whats possible...
it's the games that drive every generation. and i agree, a new metroid or a new zelda, would quiet most critics. but be sure both game will show up next year. zelda is in development, and i'm sure metroid is cooking somewhere...i wonder what retro is doing, the last years.
for me, i'm waiting for games that surprise me in new ways, just like the wiimote pushed games in a great ways. my guess is, the gamepad will do the same.
Very true, but Nintendo has shown very few games that look fun to me. Of course just my opinion but the Wii U so far has a weak launch lineup and nothing else to promise. The Bayonetta 2 thing is just silly, it seems like Nintendo is grasping at straws for 3rd party titles
i think theres a few games that have interesting fun experiences. sure they may not be a typical title one would see on other consoles, but games like zombie-u,scribblenauts unlimited and game & wario seems interesting for a few good hours atleast.
I only care about graphics leap in every new console generation, because it will hopefully lead to more exciting games
And for Wii-U, well, it will be another 6-8 years of crappy current gen graphics and technologies, Wii-U won't even support DX11, what in the world is that. Why do i want to play same shit for the next 7 years, when i already play it for a long long time? I cant even look without tears on Wii games, same stuff will be in couple of years with release of Xbox 3 and PS 4.
Ya know, I bought a Wii about a year ago, and with games like Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, PunchOut, Donkey Kong Country Returns, both Zeldas, Mario Kart, Kirbys Epic Yarn, New Super Mario Bros, Metroid Prime Trilogy, the Virtual Console, and WiiWare games like Contra Reborn, Castlevania Reborn, etc, I feel like I completely got my moneys worth. I certainly don't look at those games "with tears in my eyes." Those games stand with or surpass "current gen" games on PS3 or Xbox360 easily.
Like it or not, Nintendo has always been a trendsetter in the industry, and I think there can be a lot of fun stuff coming out of this system. But more than anything, I think they can appeal to the core gamers with this system and still retain the overall global appeal that the Wii had, even if it's not right at launch. There's a lot of potential with the gamepad.
And even if this system is ONLY as powerful as the PS3 or Xbox 360, you telling me that you wouldn't be excited about a new Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero, Mario, etc running on that kind of power?
Very true, but Nintendo has shown very few games that look fun to me. Of course just my opinion but the Wii U so far has a weak launch lineup and nothing else to promise. The Bayonetta 2 thing is just silly, it seems like Nintendo is grasping at straws for 3rd party titles
Yeah, the thing that killed the Wii for me was the wiimote. I just couldn't have any fun with any of the games because of it.
Yeah, the thing that killed the Wii for me was the wiimote. I just couldn't have any fun with any of the games because of it.
I eventually got used to it but with games like Smash Bros and Zelda I really preferred using my gamecube controller. But that wasnt my problem with it, there just werent any games that kept me interested in it after a couple years. No new IPs, nothing groundbreaking, I just lost interest. And Wii U isn't exactly rekindling any interest for me
I felt like the WiiU news was a bit underwhelming. Was hoping for a bigger hard drive. I hope it can use a normal hard drive like the PS3 does so I can make a quick upgrade when I eventually get one.
I was really hoping for an announcement about the Retro Studios game, they said they didn't show it at E3 because they said it wasn't ready, but I was hoping it would be ready to show by now.
I felt like the WiiU news was a bit underwhelming. Was hoping for a bigger hard drive. I hope it can use a normal hard drive like the PS3 does so I can make a quick upgrade when I eventually get one.
Click the link in Jermaine's post on the last page Smart move for them to provide just enough on-board storage, then allow for a large hard drive. Keeps costs down. This way I would prefer to go with a white one with just the 8GB onboard (shiny black controllers, have console makers learned NOTHING?) and then get my own hard-drive. I wonder if there will be a bay for a drive though, or will we be forced to have an external hanging out of it.
Nintendo messed up considerably during the last round IMO, despite its eventual massive and very playable library. 480p just looks like cack, not a huge fan of the wiimote, etc. But they seem to be making all the right choices this time round. People are complaining that it features PS3 spec hardware, without even seeing if PS4 is much of a leap. We have already seen the underwhelming UE4 demo, what makes people think PS4/Nextbox games are going to look much better? The other UE demo, Samaritan, was recorded running off 3 680's (has since been optimised down to one). Console gamers are not going to see graphics of that fidelity this coming generation.
Yeah, nintendo release mario game after mario game, punctuated with the occasional Zelda. I agree that they should come out with new I.P.'s, but the fact remains that these games, while a little unoriginal, are very playable.
I am sick of the 3D multiplayer side-scrolling Mario game though... seems they've released 5 iterations of that over the last two years???
I want to buy one for my sisters kids. They dont have a Wii now.
What do I need to hook them up?
So the 8 gig is expandable with flash memory? Via sd card? USB? Is the internal memory a hardrive or solid state? I ask because if your relying on sd cards to open and save games, wont that be slow as heck? In other words, is the 32gig version still worth it?
To play 2 player games what do I need? 2 wiiremotes? Does the Wii remote work on the U?
Any suggestions of a shop to buy onliine? Was looking at Sears since free shipping today. Amazon is overpriced.
you can plug regular usb devices to expand your memory. especially if you download games, 8gb will be gone fast. even 32gb won't last long. the old wii accesoires all work. plus all wii games will work, too.
I want to buy one for my sisters kids. They dont have a Wii now.
What do I need to hook them up?
So the 8 gig is expandable with flash memory? Via sd card? USB? Is the internal memory a hardrive or solid state? I ask because if your relying on sd cards to open and save games, wont that be slow as heck? In other words, is the 32gig version still worth it?
To play 2 player games what do I need? 2 wiiremotes? Does the Wii remote work on the U?
Any suggestions of a shop to buy onliine? Was looking at Sears since free shipping today. Amazon is overpriced.
The WiiU actually can only use SD cards for the Wii emulation portion. For USB memory it's suggested to use a external drive with it's own power supply (some say that the Y USB cables work well too.)
Had the deluxe version pre-ordered and received it yesterday. Spent about 3 hours playing NintendoLand with my brother (waiting on Super Mario Bros U and ZombiU to arrive today). Tons of fun so far. Sure, the games in NintendoLand are just simple mini games but they're a blast to play with a friend sitting on the couch. Hell, we ended up playing the Mario Chase game (which is just a simple game of tag really) for way longer than I would've thought. Very impressed with the gamepad too, it feels great.
Dude, Nintoland with 5 people. Holy crap it's a riot. Luigi's Mansion is an INSANE INTENSE amount of fun. Especially with a rowdy bunch of people. Mario Chase, I never thought would be such a brilliant yet simple idea. And the Animal Crossing game can actually support Six People! Holy Crap! that is by far my favorite and some of the most fun I've ever had on a couch co-op experience. Reminds me of the days of sitting around an N64 with a ton of people playing Smash Brothers. At first I was skeptical over the purpose of the WiiU..but I feel that Nintendo has mad a great enough tech demo to justify the reason of it's existence. Also ZombiU is a blast. It's like Demon Souls meets Dead Island. I do feel it was a bit rushed out the door, but I feel justified giving them my money to support a sequel with a bigger budget.
Also ZombiU is a blast. It's like Demon Souls meets Dead Island. I do feel it was a bit rushed out the door, but I feel justified giving them my money to support a sequel with a bigger budget.
Anxiously waiting to get off work to try ZombiU. Also, last night played a bit of Super Mario Bros U (which is a fantastic 2d Mario btw, def a step up from the preious New SMBs) and turned off the tv, walked upstairs and crawled into bed and played a bit more on the gamepad. It even works all the way out to my patio if I want to sit outside and game a bit.
Ohhh and I hate Reggie on stage. He isn't good at being at stage.
Reggie seemed worried alot esp when he was sitting on the couch listening the nintendo tv bit, but im still planning to get one.
I am considering getting one at launch. A deciding factor is going to be my Thanksgiving plans. If I end up with a large group of family/friends for Thanksgiving, I will definitely pick one up at launch and bring it for the holiday festivities. My sister's brother-in-laws are particularly keen on gaming over Thanksgiving.
I'm still waiting to see someone design a dungeon-master style game, and that was the first thing I thought of when I heard about this thing.
**skankerzero** sorry, the edit and quote buttons are right next to each other.
And now my semi trollish comment,..." smart glass ftw".
Of course, last I read it will only support one wiiu remote at a time, but can support 4 wiimotes at a time.
@skankerzero apparently they had 2 wii-u remotes playable since e3 and on the event showfloor. idk if thats the limit or whatnot, but yeh im pretty sure most people wont be buying more than one since each controller is like 100+ apparently.
Hell, I'll take a xbox 720 and ps4 for 300. good luck with that!
still, I'm looking forward to this if only for the potential for new gameplay experiences. don't let me down, nintendo!
Only reason I am getting it at launch. And hell..the only reason I use my Wii, to be honest. But i am pretty excited about an updated Monster Hunter 3, and Bayonetta 2...
It's not new tech, but it's a new product,
Nintendo has so far not been in the "loss per product" bussiness (the recent 3ds cut being the exception), they thrive on hardware sales, sony and ms thrives on software sales.
cross post link from monster hunter thread... but omg.
The PS3 and 360 excite you cause of the specs? I'd more interested in the gameplay experiences meself :poly142:
I'm really hoping to see a nee Metroid on nintindys new family fun gimmick. There been to many Jumpman and Green elf-boy games being coughed up lately, for that price, another Super Smash and revised ports wont win me over.
And for Wii-U, well, it will be another 6-8 years of crappy current gen graphics and technologies, Wii-U won't even support DX11, what in the world is that. Why do i want to play same shit for the next 7 years, when i already play it for a long long time? I cant even look without tears on Wii games, same stuff will be in couple of years with release of Xbox 3 and PS 4.
Who cares how a game looks if it's fun?
DX11 won't make games more fun.
Very true, but Nintendo has shown very few games that look fun to me. Of course just my opinion but the Wii U so far has a weak launch lineup and nothing else to promise. The Bayonetta 2 thing is just silly, it seems like Nintendo is grasping at straws for 3rd party titles
i remember the bashing of the wii, or the ds or even the 3ds, when they got revealed. but somehow nintendo seems to find the line between mass market and the gaming audience.
of course i would love to see some more power in the device, but frankly it's not possible to build a machine with current pc specs for 300$. and would you risk your company for 10% of your costumers, who would pay 600$ or maybe more...
don't forget: you get the gamepad, a true innovative feature, which will surely lead to new ways of enjoying games.
as a developer, i just can say, there is enough power to make any type of game look good enough for a couple of years. we just start to get deeper into the architecture and see whats possible...
it's the games that drive every generation. and i agree, a new metroid or a new zelda, would quiet most critics. but be sure both game will show up next year. zelda is in development, and i'm sure metroid is cooking somewhere...i wonder what retro is doing, the last years.
for me, i'm waiting for games that surprise me in new ways, just like the wiimote pushed games in a great ways. my guess is, the gamepad will do the same.
Ya know, I bought a Wii about a year ago, and with games like Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, PunchOut, Donkey Kong Country Returns, both Zeldas, Mario Kart, Kirbys Epic Yarn, New Super Mario Bros, Metroid Prime Trilogy, the Virtual Console, and WiiWare games like Contra Reborn, Castlevania Reborn, etc, I feel like I completely got my moneys worth. I certainly don't look at those games "with tears in my eyes." Those games stand with or surpass "current gen" games on PS3 or Xbox360 easily.
Like it or not, Nintendo has always been a trendsetter in the industry, and I think there can be a lot of fun stuff coming out of this system. But more than anything, I think they can appeal to the core gamers with this system and still retain the overall global appeal that the Wii had, even if it's not right at launch. There's a lot of potential with the gamepad.
And even if this system is ONLY as powerful as the PS3 or Xbox 360, you telling me that you wouldn't be excited about a new Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero, Mario, etc running on that kind of power?
Yeah, the thing that killed the Wii for me was the wiimote. I just couldn't have any fun with any of the games because of it.
I eventually got used to it but with games like Smash Bros and Zelda I really preferred using my gamecube controller. But that wasnt my problem with it, there just werent any games that kept me interested in it after a couple years. No new IPs, nothing groundbreaking, I just lost interest. And Wii U isn't exactly rekindling any interest for me
I was really hoping for an announcement about the Retro Studios game, they said they didn't show it at E3 because they said it wasn't ready, but I was hoping it would be ready to show by now.
Click the link in Jermaine's post on the last page
Nintendo messed up considerably during the last round IMO, despite its eventual massive and very playable library. 480p just looks like cack, not a huge fan of the wiimote, etc. But they seem to be making all the right choices this time round. People are complaining that it features PS3 spec hardware, without even seeing if PS4 is much of a leap. We have already seen the underwhelming UE4 demo, what makes people think PS4/Nextbox games are going to look much better? The other UE demo, Samaritan, was recorded running off 3 680's (has since been optimised down to one). Console gamers are not going to see graphics of that fidelity this coming generation.
Yeah, nintendo release mario game after mario game, punctuated with the occasional Zelda. I agree that they should come out with new I.P.'s, but the fact remains that these games, while a little unoriginal, are very playable.
I am sick of the 3D multiplayer side-scrolling Mario game though... seems they've released 5 iterations of that over the last two years???
They do, but they're never as well recieved. This year they released Kiki Trick, Sakura Samurai and Steel Diver.
What do I need to hook them up?
So the 8 gig is expandable with flash memory? Via sd card? USB? Is the internal memory a hardrive or solid state? I ask because if your relying on sd cards to open and save games, wont that be slow as heck? In other words, is the 32gig version still worth it?
To play 2 player games what do I need? 2 wiiremotes? Does the Wii remote work on the U?
Any suggestions of a shop to buy onliine? Was looking at Sears since free shipping today. Amazon is overpriced.
Nintendo Wii U 32GB Deluxe Set
Wii U Remote Plus Pink
Wii U Remote Plus Blue
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Via Gamestop.
The 32GB is still a better deal since it comes with a Wii Land game, and a charging stand for the tablet for $50 more, when that game alone is $60.
The site mentioned the 32gig is back-ordered, anyone know if this still means we might see more before Xmas?
The WiiU actually can only use SD cards for the Wii emulation portion. For USB memory it's suggested to use a external drive with it's own power supply (some say that the Y USB cables work well too.)
It supports up to 2TB drives.
Anxiously waiting to get off work to try ZombiU. Also, last night played a bit of Super Mario Bros U (which is a fantastic 2d Mario btw, def a step up from the preious New SMBs) and turned off the tv, walked upstairs and crawled into bed and played a bit more on the gamepad. It even works all the way out to my patio if I want to sit outside and game a bit.