High Poly Dragunov SVD portfolio piece (work in progress)
I'm about to start on the low poly tonight and hopefully get it finished by the weekend. I'll only have a week to texture it before it's due.
This is the first gun I've ever attempted and man it was difficult! However, I learned a lot in the process...
Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
You might want to loosen some of your edges, especially on the scope mount, if your baking it down for better results, that seems to be what everyone says about everyone's weapons haha.
looking good tho
I found more reference without the rubber seam in the scope than with it so I removed it (it was supposed to be a flange created by the manufacturing process). I also deleted some edge loops and worked with the ones I had a little better to remove most of the pinching in the stock.
Also why is it so hard to find an actual photo reference of this gun, 90% of google is other 3D models of it... haha
Detail wise it looks accurate and well done.
However the edge tightness is too tight in my opinion. There isn't enough curvature to create generous highlights along the edges to be captured smoothly in a low resolution texture map or when the asset it viewed at a distance.
I think my reference may just be off. this was the best side view of the dragunov I could find! most are either 3d like red rogue said, or 2d like my reference.
I will adjust the edges since they are too tight, before I do a normal map. Thanks for the advice!
edit- the wire frame in this image is half of the semi finished lowpoly and highpoly... oops! but you get the idea
Here's what I turned in for my portfolio piece. I know it's missing some things and I will definitely tweak it before it goes onto my demo reel. I didn't get around to really smoothing out some of the edges so I tried to bring them out in the spec map.
Being my first gun, I've learned a lot from this and I'll definitely do some things differently next time. Thanks for the help everyone!!
The material for the PSO-1 optic, sniper scope, is a lot lighter metal with a grainy pattern very noticeable in the specular reflections.
The wood shouldn't have a default specular reflection colour of blue, and have such a big specular difference between grain in the wood. It will likely be coated with some type of finish and have a much more glossy appearance.
The basic dark metal also has a lot of cloudy paint like splatters that aren't helping the material definitions. I'd suggest toning down the contrast of these discolourations on the diffuse, and then increasing them in the specular and gloss maps and seeing how that works for you.
I was using marmoset and wasn't sure how to import a gloss map
The gun looks nice!