I am in the process of creating a new portfolio for the gaming industry. Part of my portfolio will feature designs based on the Kid Chameleon video game.
I'll post the finished work in this thread and be going through each character, them enemies, and concept the effects and some other key sequences.
Feel free to critique, comment, or use these designs to model.
First design: Maniaxe

Anyways, I know you are trying to update the design a little bit, but I feel like you can still push the proportions. He seems kind of like a little person, instead of an edgy Young Kid who changes powers/costumes. His legs, body, and head are all the same size, and I feel like maybe you can push the sizing so either the bottom half is more narrow than the top..might give it more weight. Like in the sprite art.
I'll be working on the unmasked Casey next and give him a more modern gamer look. I'm looking to give the new Casey a hoodie with a Chameleon logo that would resemble a Skateboard company hoodie like Enjoi or Volcom.
The other side wants me to give him a Black Member's Only Jacket instead of the leather one.
I attached a sketch page that shows some mask variations and the orignal sleeker looking sketch.
Axe throwing image attached below.