Hello people, been playing with Maxscript for a month, full time
it's great and all, but there are still a few things I don't get :poly127:
Like this problem:
This is a reduced but valid i think version of my code
rollout myRollOut "My Rollout :D" width:216 height:462
include "$scripts\myRollOut\UI\SelectCharID.ms"
-- ################### MAIN UI & VARIABLES ##############
groupBox grp1 "File" pos:[6,7] width:204 height:113
button NewProjBtn "New Character Project" pos:[16,24] width:188 height:24
button OpenProjBtn "Resume Character Project" pos:[16,56] width:188 height:24 toolTip:"Reset the Scene..."
local TempCharID
-- ################### FUNCTIONS ########################
fn GetCharID = (
oldID = TempCharID
CreateDialog SelectCharID modal:true -- This call the Rollout that we just included in the def.
if TempCharID != oldID then ( -- CharID has been properly set so let's go !
return TempCharID
and this is the included rollout
rollout SelectCharID "Select Character ID" width:232 height:96
GroupBox grp1 "Select Character ID" pos:[8,8] width:216 height:40
edittext edt1 "" pos:[16,24] width:200 height:17
button OkBtn "OK!" pos:[128,56] width:96 height:32
button CancelBtn "Cancel" pos:[8,56] width:96 height:32
on edt1 entered val do
on OkBtn pressed do
if edt1.text != "" and (edt1.text as Integer) > 99 then (
myRollOut.TempCharID = edt1.text
DestroyDialog SelectCharID
else (
messageBox "Empty or Incorrect ID: Should be a Number > 99"
on CancelBtn pressed do
DestroyDialog SelectCharID
Basically when the function wants to create the dialog, it says it doesn't find the rollout (undefined), when it has been included just before. (include "$scripts\myRollOut\UI\SelectCharID.ms")
(this function is called when the user clicks one of the button of the main ui)
I don't get why it's crashing... the file seems to be included fine, (i did a print just before the rollout definition and got the message)
so ... what's wrong?
Is it a Scope error? Cause, wherever i put the include line, (in the function, or outside the main rollout) it still crashes.
I'd like to keep my code separated in several files, it's a bit easier to maintain...
Any ideas?
EDIT: After some investigation, it seems to not work when i'm calling the main script through a MacroScript definition
macroScript myMacro
category:"my Tools"
toolTip:"my Tool"
filein "$scripts\MarioPlumber\myRollOut.ms"
It works fine, if I execute the script directly...
kinda weird.
Final EDIT: Ok, now it works:
It's because the macroscript file was defined in the usermacro folder rather than the startup folder of max.
as explained here: